I have nothing I want to say today.
I need to type an awful lot this week.
Psychology, English and Art coursework and classwork.
It makes me NOT want to type here.
However because I feel I owe a blog and because I haven't done a quiz in ages I'll do the one Alan posted on his facebook this morning.
- Available: Yes.
- Age: 18.
- Annoyance: Loosing my pendrive a few months ago.
- Animal: Lemur, ring tailed.
- Actor: Jake Gyllenhaal.
- Actress: Mia Farrow.
- Beer: No thank-you.
- Birthday/Birthplace: December 27th, Durham, England.
- Best Friends: Are AWESOME!
- Body Part on the opposite sex: Lips.
- Best feeling in the world: Comfort.
- Best weather: Warm, not sunny, not raining, gentle breeze.
- Been on stage?: Yes.
- Believe in yourself?: Pretty consistently.
- Believe in life on other planets: Sure.
- Believe in miracles: Indeed.
- Believe in Magic: Hmm.
- Believe in Religion: I believe in God.
- Believe in Santa: I believe he is based on fact, I don't believe he's still around.
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: I won't until I see one myself.
- Car: No.
- Candy: Haribo tangfastics (I ruled out chocolate).
- Cried in school: Yes, broken arm and all.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate.
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese.
- Cake or pie: Savoury Pie, chocolate cake... cake.
- Country to visit: Italy.
- Day or Night: Day.
- Dream vehicle: Something eco that does what I need without too much effort or cost.
- Dance: The Toddly dance. Or a happy one.
- Dance in the rain?: Meh.
- Do the splits?: Not on your nelly.
- Eggs: scrambled.
- Eyes: Greeny/brown. GOLD!
- Everyone has a: heart.
- Ever failed a class?: No.
- First crush: Gavin until he strangled me for finding him first in hide and seek aged 5.
- Full name: Elizabeth Amy Creaghan.
- First thoughts waking up: "Chris Moyles you tit."
- Greatest Fear(s): Sharp objects near eyes.
- Goals: Uni.
- Gum: Spearmint, but it gives me lockjaw.
- Get along with your parents?: Yes.
- Good luck charm: Nope.
- Hair Color: Dark blonde, not quite brunette.
- Height: 5'5"?
- Happy: Yes please.
- Holiday: Christmas.
- How do you want to die: Peacefully at a ripe old age.
- Health freak?: No.
- Hate: is a strong word.
- Ice Cream: Hokey Pokey.
- Instrument: I play my voice...
- Jewelry: Once in each ear. An array of necklaces and bangles, no rings.
- Job: Student with no part-time job.
- Kids: One day.
- Kickboxing or karate: I’m a lover, not a ninja. (I like Alan's answer).
- Keep a journal?: This one.
- Longest Car Ride: Down to Cornwall. Gone further by coach.
- Love: is the sweetest thing. Love, does exactly what it wants to do.
- Letter(s): I have 5 very special ones. I wish I had more.
- Laughed so hard you cried: YES.
- Love at first sight: I wish!
- Milk flavor: Milk.
- Movie: Donny Darko, Ghost World, Mean Girls, Anita and Me, Cats... etc.
- Mooned anyone?: Whey aye.
- Marriage: Arf.
- Motion sickness?: No.
- McD's or BK: McD’s.
- Number of Siblings: One: Younger beautiful sister.
- Number of Piercings: One in each ear.
- Number: 4 or 3.141592654 etc or 42...
- Overused Phrases: “that is SO jokes" "gosh" "argh"
- One phobia: I have a fear of failing.
- Place you'd like to live: Somewhere lovely with someone I love.
- Perfect Pizza: Without cheese.
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke.
- Quail: Is that bird named as to give an 'animal' with 'Q'.
- Reason to cry: It's a shame, no, it's a crime, that I never told you that I love you coz I never found the time.
- Reality T.V.: Eww.
- Radio Station: BBC 6 music.
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: Yus.
- Song: at the moment ANYTHING Milsom. Or Exterminate Regenerate. Or from Blue October's album Foiled.
- Salad: Tomatoes ftw.
- Shrimp?: No. Insanity prawn boy.
- Sport?: Bowling. Badminton.
- Skipped school: No.
- Slept outside: In a tent.
- Seen a dead body?: of a bird only.
- Shower Daily?: Usually. Unless out camping...
- Sing well?: Fairly OK.
- Stuffed Animals?: As in cuddly toys yes. Actual taxidermy NO.
- Single/Group dates: Single.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries, but I likes Alan's answer of snozberries!
- Scientists need to invent: Self finding storage.
- Time for bed: In a few mins.
- Thunderstorms: Lovely if you're inside and not up a mountain.
- TV: Hustle atm.
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: No.
- Unpredictable: Sometimes (see what I did there).
- Vegetable you hate: Turnip is rank?
- Vegetable you love: Carrot. OH YES.
- Vacation spot: Scotland especially for the festival dans summer.
- Weakness: Procrastination. Nice eyes.
- When you grow up: I'll spend less time online?
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Hazel? Jen? Caitlin.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Ever? Erm, Russell Howard?
- Worst feeling: Loss.
- Wanted to be a model: No.
- Worst weather: On Outward Bound this year, hailstones through the 5 layers of clothes.
-X-Ray: Arm.
-Year now?: 2009
-Yellow: Dibs didn't like yellow.
- Zoo animal: Puppy-sized elephants. :D
- Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
Last person who:
- Saw you cry: Most of my family when I finished Paper Towns?
- Went to the movies with you: Family, Twilight, before that the mates, Twilight.
- You went to the mall with: Tsssk, MALL ahah.
- Went to dinner with: Family.
- Talked to on the phone: Stranger danger, some randomer.
- Made you laugh: Bridie.
That's all.
You'd better hope it is. That took too long.