I've always failed at diaries.
Whenever I've got one I've just written for a day or two, once even for 2 weeks, then just stopped.
I want to make this thing almost daily, to keep a lasting (well almost), record of time passing.
I suppose it will be useful, this website, I can post photos without having to print them off and stick them in a book. I can put a photo of a ticket from an event without separating it from my collection. I can make it legible with a controlled font and best of all I can edit.
So I guess I should start.
Today, just another day really.
I say that but then I think, everyday contributes a bit to make me me.
Last night I was listening to VLR and heard about the youTube article in Stuff magazine...
My camera broke in the Summer and so I need to find a new one, consequently I have a huge pile of old Stuff magazines on my floor... so I browsed through till I found the article Alex had mentioned. I don't quite know why but that was a reasonably good start to my day, to know I had heard of 3/6 of the people in that article.
Anyhoo... School, it was another of our head of sixthform's allegorical assemblies today. "Things don't happen over night, you have to work for them". Fair enough.
I've been reading Stephanie Meyer's books recently, and today I pwned Eclipse.
I mean, I had 3 frees, and it was there, what did I expect? That I'd do actual schoolwork?!
Well, I also did a fair bit of that too. Also, unbelievably it has been dry enough recently for there to be no muddy areas at school at all to aid my art project. So I attempted to make one, didn't work.
Also my personal statement is getting pretty close to being finished, I just wish I knew quite exactly where I want to apply for uni!
Finally we had choir tonight after school. It's such a release!
That's all for now methinks.
I don't think I'll tell anyone about this for now, just see how this pans out.