But, for the life of me cannot remember what I wanted to put.
It's because charlieissocoollike's blog tv show is distracting me!
Oh the shoes!
Here is what I've added to them tonight, it felt worthwhile as if I was doing homework but fun homework.
Eeeh. I'm chuffed to bits with the so far apart from I look a bit evil. Also the music bit will be completely hidden when I do the laces up.
Want to know what it is?
It's "Do you hear the people sing" from Les Misérables.
Ok so today.
I got into school early thinking I'd do some extra context work. Well I did and I printed it but seriously I'm not really throwing myself at it. I should and will but I didn't.
Just like me I was listening in to the other conversation in the room, Rochie was talking about going to Wet and Wild. I told him it costs £9.40. I mean, for goodness sake, its rusty. The whole place is skanky, and they charge NINE POUNDS FORTY!
Anyway, I digress, then it was double Psycho. Immense because we talked about D of E, fit celeb men and child art therapy. I also out nerded myself again by making the class do revision with Venn Diagrams. As resident artist I had to draw it on the active board too.
I have a quandry. How much of Charlie's BD show can I watch tomorrow... darn it blates not all 7 hours!
Oh and while I meander in my thoughts Heroes vs. Oh What a Lovely War. GARGH!
Oh AND I missed the end of Sarah Jane :|.
Back to school. Must charge DS, brb. Personal statement needs updating but that can wait.
Then a free in which not much happened.
Lunch, ditto.
Art, I got some photos and videos taken but I really need to do some in skirt and bear legs so that I can transfer exact footprints!
English we had a good old giggle and Daniel declaring, accidentally, his love for Lockey and Mr. R. Oh dear the poor boy.
GB also told us about or poetry day task next Wednesday and the fact that next March we will hopefully be going to Stratford to see The Winter's Tale. Which after my shower I'm going to read.
Good stuff, and a good full typage session today.
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