Not in a bad way though.
I always am anti-Tuesdays, there is something about them that sends me a bit #urgh#.
But surprisingly I worked my way through the day with very little annoyance and quite a few laughs.
One of these was an observation that I think the number 7 should never be written with a little line through it.
It isn't sticking arms out as if balancing, it's a number.
Megan mentioned in her blog that all of mine start with the letter H.
For people (like my BEDA girls) who have only started reading about my life recently this may seem strange. But I started this blog in September with blogs that had the letter "A" and so on, changing each month. Subsequently May will be "I".
I thought I'd answer her questions here too.
-What is your favorite movie quote ever?
For me this is quite difficult because I cannot pinpoint one right now but I constantly reel them off throughout any regular day.
Right now it would have to be, "Just keep swimming" from Finding Nemo.
-If you were an inanimate object, what would you be?
I considered a hoody, a notebook, and a really annoying but informative device.
But honestly I think a hole punch, useful and nifty, creates little pretty things but only sometimes.
-What is the best book you've read in 2009?
I've not read many yet having been so busy but it's a close one between "The Book Thief" and "Double Cross". The first is a magnificent stand alone, the second the latest in a STUNNING series.
-What band can you not get enough of right now?
I have the DFTBA records album on repeat.
Tom Milsom
Blue October
Both Lori and Jeanette have done these too so to be uber interactive this is mine:

Want to make your own?
1. Go to
2. In a separate window go to
3. Choose 4 columns, 3 rows
4. Look up your personal answers to the following questions in the search bar.
5. Pick your favorite picture on the 1st page of results and put it in your mosaic.
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One word to describe you.
12. Your nickname.
1. HM Queen Elizabeth II, 2. splash en trio, 3. Remains of St Leonard's Hospital, York, 4. Red Umbrella, 5. OUT074091, 6. Pineapple Juice, 7. Laveria Brassey - Abandoned mine, 8. coffee and chocolate mousse cake, 9. Bokeh!, 10. rambouillet harfang hilare 130705, 11. Expressionate Freddo, 12. Week 34: average everyday sane/psycho supergoddess
I just spent 2 hours at cadets planning the next forever.
It's so irritating.
Now I just want to get a wash and go to sleep.
I think I shall.
Signing off dudes and dudettes!
To me, Tuesday is a day to anticipate, not dread. The reason becomes abundantly clear in my blog for today.
I don't think I have anything in particular against Tuesdays. I mentally whine about any day that I have to go to class or work. Loves me some Sundays. No work. No school. Sleeping in. Lazyness. It's perfect.
Woah, the mosaic thing looks amazing, I'm going to do it too.
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