Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Showered and apple eaten by 8:52
9:14 just been catching up on internet things.
9:37 Swine flu parties, pox parties from the past like in Octavian Nothing...
10:08, I think I've decided, I don't like "boom boom pow" by the Black Eyed Peas
14:11: 1:48 walk and Matrix
14:32 sent photos to Jen and read her fan fic
15:16 I get these youtube messages from people who think I might be interested in their things... I do often watch their video but I very often leave it at that
16:37 I can smell food, Jen popped round to talk about t-shirts
17:00 I can sense it's almost time for Cadets, Mum's just said it's tea.
19:43 OK, those kids managed to wear me out again. Too much screaming and shouting and running and trying to gain control.
But now I have the Dr. Who mag to read through!
20:47 I can't be fussed to write anything else here as I doubt anything awesome's going to happen between now and sleep.
Monday, 29 June 2009
I went on a walk, without cv's today... should have just printed a load off because that's all they wanted.
Made two and a half necklaces today though.
Watched half of the Matrix with Hazel.
I'm so excited that the Chameleon Circuit competition is being judged today!
I want to be all flowery language and well intoned sentences on here but not today guys, not today.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
I picked raspberries from the garden today and sorted all my coloured pencils into pots, went through all my pens and sorted them out too.
My floor is still untraverseable though!
Rupert Grint, the Ice Cream man.
Look it up guys, Dad read my out an article about it, gosh it made me chuckle.
I'm proper gutted on Hazel's behalf because she typed up a blog that was SIX pages on word but her pendrive took a dippy fit and now she's lost it.
I wish I could afford to buy Kristina's iPod, I crave to own that much Wrock.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Jolly good time
It was really great to see people after so long away from school!
Sarah got Emily a book about zimmer frames that was hilarious.
At one point the DJ (this cool Jamaican bloke) made us have a minute silence for MJ.
A bit strange but it was followed by Thriller exploding out of the speakers.
Hazel's contact lens split rendering her slightly funny sighted in one eye.
Earlier in the day I enjoyed listening to disjointed bits of Cold Mountain on "rarely heard" on my mp3 player and editing my video for this weeks Hazelizabeth.
It's just turned 00:00 on my computer.
Friday, 26 June 2009
I do have lovely friends who rely on my for crucial life questions.
"What's the cruciatus curse do?"
Ah Laura, I'm glad you can rely on me for this sort of dire need.
At Rangers tonight it was great to see Hannah again, also we did a load of cutting/ironing/designing of t-shirts which was good.
Then Felton/Malfoy was on 8/10 cats.
I've had ALL CAPS songs stuck in my head all day.
Another late night failure of a blog.
At least by tomorrow I might have edited together the next Hazelizabeth video!
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Jarringly strange situations.
Despite being a "lady of leisure" I still found little to no time today was my own...
I had to turn down the possible adventure of finding rangers to get them to sign a card for Tansley because she'll be leaving soon.
That was because we had to be out of the house for 11 in the morning so that we could walk into town.
The weather was lovely again which was fantastic!
So we bought some cards, wrapping paper and wine for our Choir teacher/ piano player.
Only just making it to the rehearsal in time too.
Seriously, before we knew it it was 7:30 and we were on stage singing.
The end to my St. Leonard's choir career.
My legs still feel all shaky from the amount of walking I've done.
GB gave is a leaving present of a CD of "Essential Handel" which I'm SO going to listen to tomorrow.
Could spiel more but I just frankly cba and I know I need to reply to a host of questions on the facebook thread too but I'll get to that tomorrow at some point.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Ah Hazel, you're accidental language fails make my day!
I walked into school today for choir.
It was gorgeous sun and lovely music on my mp3 player.
I spent nearly 2 hours this morning making a necklace for the teacher who plays the piano for our choir.
It turned out really nicely!
I need to spend more time doing that, it's really fulfilling!
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
I decided to have a shower so that we could do some video today however I also loaded up the Butterfly Effect for the LHS video Hazel and I plan to do.
Thing is, we didn't get round to watching it...
I felt quite bad when Ross rang and I had to tell him I couldn;t actually go out shopping. I HAVE NO FUNDS.
After lunch Hazel and I filmed ourselves eating papadums and marshmallows.
14:37 the One and Other people tried ringing me but the poor guys page froze.
A plus point of the day is that nerimon thinks our vid is awesome!
A down point is that I'm totally worn out from nearly 2 hours of coping with and looking after the Badgers/Cadets and playing games with them.
I ended up coated in mud and doing even more running around than on Monday.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Today was an odd one.
Not much until 8 then the best blogtv show I've ever been to.
DoctorBenjy is an utter genius.
Omegle game
1 person
Can I borrow your pen?
4 people
Can I fiddle with your tea tray?
Hazel beat me both times!
2 on the third game and my first vaguely famous with tyrannosauruslexx
Afterwards we went showjacking and it took till Concons to find someone who understood and enjoyed the influx of peas.
"I just went from 5 to 24 viewers in a matter of minutes"
"I love you all"
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Seriously, they were amazing, when I find photos of them I'll post them here.
My next task was finding enough floor in my room to warrant vacuuming.
I achieved this by piling everything up onto my bed and big chair.
But since then pretty much all I've done is move the stuff that was stopping my bed access and I'll tackle the rest later.
We had a choir rehearsal which was ok.
Hazel and I watched Iven's Sinclair episodes, they were hilarious.
We heard Dad whistle, thinking he might be getting our attention we asked
"Was that for Mum?"
"Was it for us then"
"No, it was for Mum"
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009
Jumping Jellybeans
By 10:30 this morning both Hazel and I were up and ready to go out and film in the lovely sun for out Awful Lot Of Running video competition entry.
It was absolutely one if the most fun experiences ever, BUT, I don't have time to edit it until tomorrow afternoon.
Somehow it sped forward to like 5pm and Caitlin came over before we went to Rangers to play bingo and raise money for the Rainbows.
We also sat and designed and discussed our t-shirt business.
I really need to sort out jewellery.
Hotel Babylon was better than I expected it to be.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Jingle Jangle Scarecrow
I awoke with a thirst so dire that I sat bolt upright to scour my bed and rest of room for some form of liquid to take in.
Due to the tidying of my room all had been removed leaving me panicking.
Thanks to Dad who was still up next door and my clearly bleary request that he fetch me some water, that probably came out as a squawk, I could sleep again.
I awoke again to my dear mobile phone wanting to be fed some electricity...
I stumbled out of my bed on, I have to admit, rather sleep weary legs.
I also found it difficult to clamber back up into my bed.
I awoke for the final time from a dream about some sort of challenge quest where I had to climb a massive crumbly bridge of which bits broke away as we went.
Then there were some people there with pet rats.
Also a bit of hotel room like structure with people choosing rooms and sticking their heads out of the doors to catch a glimpse of Lady Gaga singing.
So I got up to actually go into school to do all my signing out, remembering in the nick of time to put some money in so that I could pay off my debts.
I sat around with Hazel till about half 8 and then went to the Sixth Form block.
It was the Chemistry student's last exam today so I got to see some of my friends again before they went off to do that.
Mrs Abiss for Psychology was lovely and that was sorted.
Then I went down to Art to get Mrs Thurlbeck's signature.
She said I owed her £5 in printing.
Saw Mr Kivelehan in the corridor and got his signature on my magical form.
I went up to Maths and handed in to Shevlin the books I should have when I dropped it at the beginning of the year.
Then English, I paid £15 for all the books I've had this year which was a fantastic bargain and I thank them very much, especially as I never actually paid for last year's either.
Mrs. Grehan-Bradley made a short thank-you goodbye speech to say she hopes her daughters grow up to be like me which was a bit strange but ever so heart-warming.
I went then armed with the right change for Thurly but she had disappeared.
So went up to S8 to Mr Hughes' tutor room.
Only had to do locker key, get that £5 deposit back, find Miss Slane to get her signature then find Thurly to pay her the fiver then find Mr Murray to finalise everything.
I was about to leave when I realised I still had my leavers questionnaire for Mr G-B in my bag.
I decided to save money I would walk home so just as I passed the tech block on my way out I started a timer on my phone to see how long it would take.
Previously I've said "exactly an hour" but only looked at my watch, so I wanted to see.
Anyway, I had a Mars bar I'd picked up from home and thought I'd do a calculation when I got home to see if it made a dent in my walking...
Got in from my walk home.
The timer on my phone said "1:00:11", so "exactly one hour" is pretty much bang on.
I looked online, it said 280 calories in a Mars bar, and I looked around a few other sites to see that my hour walk burnt an average 341...
So yeah.
After lunch and some basic internet catch up time I was just starting to feel a bit, blergh.
I then sat in pain as my uterus decided that today was one of it's pain times.
I got paracetamol and a hot thingy bag (like a hot water bottle without water)...
I was just lying down reading Bridget Jones when my phone rings announcing Ross is 5 mins away.
I did the quickest turn over ever to get presentable to meet strangers.
Ross's boyfriend Alex was driving and Joanne (who I know from school) and Alex's friend Jenna were in the car.
We proceeded to then drop Joanne off somewhere in Fram where she needed to be then drive to Chester park only to find parking would cost so there was no point to the drive back to town to go to our own park.
Sitting around there chatting for a while was nice.
Got in from that jaunt for chips and egg, mmmmhhhmm.
This was a nice thing to read today.
At school this morning I had a very quick discussion that proved to me even my closest friends are ignorant of these things but I allowed them the fact they've been caught up in Chemistry as an excuse. For now.
It still infuriated me that people didn't know how brave these other people are being, and how lucky WE are.
Mum made Hazel and I post Banardo's charity collection envelopes down our road, my side was fine, Hazel felt traumatised by hers with the vicious letter box flaps.
Now its 20:40 and I really need to sneeze but cannot.
Tomorrow should be fun, Hazel and I are going to film a music video to Awful Lot Of Running. Also watch as much B2.0 as we can.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
The change over today with their pretend Pigeon FM In the air and On the air 102.2 Pigeon Radio.
Before I went out today I made some ducks into earrings.
This might sound quite mad.
But they're cute and I'll upload a photo of them at some point.
So I went to the bus stop in the rain to go into town and there was a lovely old lady who chatted to me for a bit about life.
With my sandwich at lunch I had the option of adding chips for only 99p.
When I got to the bottom what did I see?
A Pea
In the British Heart Foundation I got a free bag and book about China.
At Choir it was just like, Choiry.
This made me laugh rather a lot:
It won't post as a picture because something's gone a bit fruity about Blogger.
I love John Green
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
It seems that I've taken to googling or looking into pretty much everything that I stumble upon. So today, after reading Alex's blog about his and Kristina's road trip I looked into 1408 and am watching it...
It's proper mental.
Just yesterday we were discussing how horror movies are so predictable that it reduces quite how much we get scared by them and this one is going along the lines of pretty much every horror book I've read.
Firstly it is allowed to fulfil typicalities because it is about a writer who writes about ghosts but doesn't believe in them.
He's in a room that has caused over 50 deaths and "nobody lasts more than an hour".
Things are moving themselves and turning themselves on.
Gee wiz how to fulfil stereotypes!
Oh and now he's decided he wants to leave and the door handle falls off.
Big whoop.
I can see how this is supposed to get you... but I'm only 44 mins inst a 112min film... argh.
I got distracted by MJ's censorship debate...
Back to that film.
Oh he attacked a fridge how inspiring.
"You have watched 72 minutes of video already today"
So I went to tidy my room, it's now worse... but I got a whole episode of DFTBA records listened to, and I found the HPatPS CD rom. It says it'll run on XP.
80 mins in, 30 to go. This is either a supremely terrible film or they'll sort it out.
Over and over and over, like a monkey with a miniature cymbal.
The best bit was the watery melty phone...
Well that was one creepy room.
All in all a 4 star film, it kept me watching till the end.
Samuel L Jackson brings it up that far even though his part is minimal.
I'm pretty much done with today even though it's only ten to 6.
I only want to sit and read and scrapbook for the rest of the day.
Might stick some music on and tidy.
Throw some things away.
Look, I didn't complete the things on my list I planned to do, I never do.
But I'm so over that!
Monday, 15 June 2009
Jolly Experimentation

Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce these. I'm experimenting with posting my blog via word for the first time because I have the option and because I'm now actually done with school (apart from the faff of signing out but whatever)…
Dad found these photos from the old old main computer and I thought they HAD to be shared.

Here we have a very similar photo. Although Hazel's hair is significantly shorter and we both look a LOT healthier.
Also, in this one I am clearly very eager to eat.

Then we have this actually AWESOME photo of us both pretending to be Rodin's Thinker.
ALSO, note the matching trainers and trousers… it is likely Hazel had the denim jacket that matched mine with her but wasn't wearing it at this exact moment.
We both have our Andrex puppies too.
By way of comparison we have our art crew at the actual Rodin museum in Paris in October.

So at the Glasgow science museum in the early naughties.
Hazel displays the ability to carry A LOT of toys in a bag made for one.
I am about 10 perhaps 11 in this photo.
I am STILL carrying a toy dog, mind you, Rex is the best soft toy I own, he has a knitted cape and has a super hero name of "Grubby Dog".
He can fly but only less than a meter at a time.
He also has an injection that allows him to zap any fleas that might be on him with a "frazz" noise.
Also, his voice (as all toys get voices) is one of the worst I've ever invented.
Hyperactive child voice, we must have driven our parents insane in the back of the car.
This is BY FAR the best photo of the bunch.
It was raining so we were wearing our hats ON TOP of the headphones from the audio tour of Stirling castle (Scotland).
Then we have to add to the factors Hazel is pulling the BEST face ever, and stuffing it with some form of food that looks gross.
Also, she is, what, 8, here. Nothing really essential to carry BUT she has a rucksack, a bag with toy dogs in and a camera bag.
I, on the other hand, am POSING with the most hideous pout.
IRL I went on a lovely walk with Hazel this evening.
I've watched a lush program about 80's food, it's so funny.
Had some good chat with Ashley online.
Become very very tired and I just want to sleep now for DAYS.
Right, let's see if I can post this baby.
(It didn't do the photos I had to sort them separately!) ANGER!
Sunday, 14 June 2009
The distraction must be switched off.
Tomorrow night though is a night for reading, Tuesday is room blitz day.
Wednesday is Jewellery and Office day (eg, accommodation and CV sortage), oh and choir.
Thursday is more room sorting.
Friday is Epic Brotherhood 2.0 day.
Things I want/need to do:
[]Get some form of paid job
[]Sort Uni accomodation
[]Make and set up a way to sell jewellery
[]Write to and sort out some things for Ashley etc.
[]Read all unread books
[]Paint/draw some Potter art
[]Paint/draw more in general
[]Tidy room and throw a lot away
[]Fully sort Zen and name all songs etc
I'll add to and edit this I think.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
So, there are many things in the world that I take an interest in and one of those is the crafty production of textiles.
Since I was SEVEN, and that was in 1997, I have been going to meetings of the Young Embroiderers Guild.
Through time we've met at both the DLI museum and the Methodist church when the DLI was being refitted.
Today was perhaps my last ever meeting, although I might go to the one in September.
Well, anyway, Olive the lady who runs it gave me a notebook to record memories in which I will be using as a diary on days I cannot blog.
I was going to post a photo of what I was doing but it'll make more sense when it's finished so I wont yet.
Also, while we were there today both Hazel and I were photographed looking at an exhibition of photos and we'll be in the Northern Echo on Monday.
I finished "The Machine Stops" it was scary but I think crucial reading. It reminded me of John Wyndam, someone whose books I crave to read more of, especially triffids.
My latest Hazelizabeth video went up today...
Tomorrow is solid Psychology revision.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Jiggery Pokery
I need to write a note to buy Dan a lime for his Birthday, and something else I suppose. Back when we were in Stratford for the Winter's Tale trip he mentioned he's never had lime before and me and Nat decided to get him some for his Birthday and that's on Sunday.
I finished watching Let the Right One In, it was pretty good, bit odd but good.
Tadpoles is such an odd word, there was a story on the radio today about them raining from the sky in Japan.
The Beatles - Revolution #9 is indeed a MENTAL song, Alex blogged about it and I listened all the way through, it gave me jitters.
Today included the watching of HSM3 as part of the LHS review Haze and I are going to do.
It was an ambiguous situation.
I also had this random thought, would you be able to use pollyjuice if you were pregnant? I assume it wouldn't be advisable.
Tonight we went to the DLI gallery to see the opening of the new exhibition, it was just strange and not all that appealing.
Ashley recommended I read The Machine Stops by E.M.Forster.
It's rather good actually I'm currently half way through.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Journey's End
So yes, Cham Circ's been on a lot today.
Then I decided to see if I could watch Let The Right One In.
I understand when the text is translated that the words are rearranged to make gramatical sense but there's no need when they say "Oskar, blah blah blah" to type it as "blah blah blah, Oskar"
Then I'd used 75 mins and mega video politely told me to return tomorrow.
There's 37:24 left, argh!
Then I listened to 3 hours of Jon Richardson that I'd missed on Sunday
One of the songs had the lyric "when you just lost the game"
For lunch I had a scotch egg, mmmmmm yummy.
Mum sent be a few texts, the final being
"darn you predictive text"
As she accidentally previously typed "waiting for the cup to the swimming baths".
THEN I had to sign for Dad's passport being delivered.
The guy then said
"see you" No, you wont, I doubt I'll ever meet you again.
I also watched the "awful lot of running" episode of Dr Qui with Jenny and Chris from Skins.
My room is a bomb sight, tomorrow that gets remedied.
So that is all in the day off from revision of Liz.
Tatty bye.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Joy, pure joy.
Today was my last ever English exam.
I found it hard to choose between the questions but settled on "youth" for The Winter's Tale and was Byron a Romantic for Don Juan.
They were probably the best questions we could have got.
THEN it was our school Art Exhibition tonight, I stood around for two hours looking at loads of stuff, Hazel's video piece is set to "Exterminate Regenerate" and played on a loop the whole night filling the hall with Charlie and Alex's voices. It was lush.
Also, a guy came over from County Hall and was, like, interested in putting my stuff on display.
How EPIC is that?
I'm so drained now though.
Sleep calls.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
The horrible thing is I get told by people like Julene that I'm too clever for my own good and I should shut up.
I still felt really floaty after the exam as if I wasn't connected to the world.
I am also a bit jittery about the fact that on July 22nd I will be standing on a PLINTH in Trafalgar Square in London for an hour.
At 8 o'clock at night.
So if anyone has any ideas what I could do up there I'd welcome them!
So, I promise a good blog when revision isn't necessary.
Monday, 8 June 2009
The BNP have TWO EU seats.
Becky (Tikken) says it best:
Chameleon Circuit came today.
This will keep me happy.
Synoptic went alright-ish today, not amazing, not bad.
I need to get my psychology into my brain now.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Hazel and I are going to bring vlog walking back.
When I'm revising Psychology I worry about English and vice versa.
Also, I have a cold.
Not fun!
Saturday, 6 June 2009
That noise is horrible.
After that my day was just a mass of revision, hoping I'll remember what I'm working on a day from now.
Dear goodness I hope so.
"Though I am not not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance"
That's Autolycus, the opposite to me, I find it very difficult to lie.
Edit: this evening Mum and I went for a walk, I decided to time it, it was 34 minutes, 30.3 seconds from our door back to our door.
It was really refreshing and generally good.
Friday, 5 June 2009
Jen's house
OK so we failed at it.
But they tasted good in the end.
Over lunch we watched the Buffy musical episode, it was crazy how much of the innuendo we never used to understand and also how many of the words we still knew.
Still haven't got Chameleon Circuit, it had better arrive tomorrow!
For Rangers tonight we went over to our leader Jen's house to cook, it was really fun, we just end up talking about this and that and everything and she told us about her old sixth form assemblies. One time when someone abseiled down to present the female reader with a box of chocolates.
I'm SURE there was something else to say but I cannot for the life of me remember.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
The smell of ham rather irritates me.
Cherry tomatoes are amazing especially the ones that aren't quite spheres, the elongated ones.
I voted today.
That's a big step into the real world.
I actually adore the big bang theory.
I find Big Brother so irritating.
This is a terrible blog.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Jovial t-shirts
Oh gosh, Maddy is one of the best people for ever for getting this t-shirt for me.
It's just MADE my day, by far.
On the bus to town to walk up to school I sat straight away in the closest seats, there were only two people on the bus already an EXTREMELY fat woman whose arse stuck out for miles and a mild mannered looking guy in a suit.
Anyhoo, the seat I took was the one reserved for elderly people and mothers.
It was just the closest and at half two in the afternoon I fully expected no one else to get on the bus.
Instead the next 7 people to get on were all using bus passes and while none of them were incapable of walking to a further seat I felt particularly guilty. This was coupled by the fact it looked like all I was wearing was a school hoody and fluorescent purple tights because my shorts were, well, short.
I had this crippling feeling that I was being judged.
Then we get to town and everything's fine.
Maddy gives me that awesome t-shirt she procured from Nat Champs and choir was a great release.
While I was working today earlier I didn't have any music on and my extra sensitive hearing noticed rustling paper. A lib dems leaflet had come through the door, blatant propaganda and one of their points was supporting the NON-closure of Belmont school when by all accounts of sanity is SHOULD be replaced as it's turning good pupils into mediocre ones at best.
Another thing, I'm sick of twitter being used on the radio.
"Hey, check out my twitter, send me requests and that..."
Also I thought I'd state how (and Mum say's swearing's allowed in this case) arseing pissed off at the BNP I am because they're lying backwards skanky bastards who are so full of slanderous horrible opinions they should just shit off. ARGH!
Sooooo, day's nearly over, I hope Chameleon Circuit gets here tomorrow.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Just revise!

Those are all the ear rings I've made recently whilst taking breaks from revision.
Ok, so I finished watching Goblet of Fire today, not good on the distraction front but at least it puts it out of the way.
The only topic I've learnt about today that gives me any cause for outcry is the Great FireWall of China.
I know it's a restricted life over there but this is just insane.
*Shakes head in despair*
Blog fail today. Sorry!
Monday, 1 June 2009
Just do this then get offline
"I'm gunna cancel it with Karl"
"Settlin in on a Friday night"
I have some rather exciting news I'm not allowed to share till the 5th.
My art world mag issue 3 finally came so now I have them all so far!
We've watched the first half of PoA, Harry Potter really really can't act and why are the Patil twins both in Gryffindor??
I can't get Dr Horrible onto my zen, darn software conflicts, it's awesome though, so awesome!
This advert for Goth Cruise made me chortle.
I need to get offline.
Hmmm, is this a blog or a diary?
I only write once a day, it's regular, I don't just update sporadically but when was a diary ever restricted to once a day. Yes this is public but it's documenting my life life a diary that is easier to put photos in because I don't have to print them cut and stick them.
A blog is like mini news feed but probably should be less me centric to be a blog.
I've decided it's a diary.