Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce these. I'm experimenting with posting my blog via word for the first time because I have the option and because I'm now actually done with school (apart from the faff of signing out but whatever)…
Dad found these photos from the old old main computer and I thought they HAD to be shared.

Here we have a very similar photo. Although Hazel's hair is significantly shorter and we both look a LOT healthier.
Also, in this one I am clearly very eager to eat.

Then we have this actually AWESOME photo of us both pretending to be Rodin's Thinker.
ALSO, note the matching trainers and trousers… it is likely Hazel had the denim jacket that matched mine with her but wasn't wearing it at this exact moment.
We both have our Andrex puppies too.
By way of comparison we have our art crew at the actual Rodin museum in Paris in October.

So at the Glasgow science museum in the early naughties.
Hazel displays the ability to carry A LOT of toys in a bag made for one.
I am about 10 perhaps 11 in this photo.
I am STILL carrying a toy dog, mind you, Rex is the best soft toy I own, he has a knitted cape and has a super hero name of "Grubby Dog".
He can fly but only less than a meter at a time.
He also has an injection that allows him to zap any fleas that might be on him with a "frazz" noise.
Also, his voice (as all toys get voices) is one of the worst I've ever invented.
Hyperactive child voice, we must have driven our parents insane in the back of the car.
This is BY FAR the best photo of the bunch.
It was raining so we were wearing our hats ON TOP of the headphones from the audio tour of Stirling castle (Scotland).
Then we have to add to the factors Hazel is pulling the BEST face ever, and stuffing it with some form of food that looks gross.
Also, she is, what, 8, here. Nothing really essential to carry BUT she has a rucksack, a bag with toy dogs in and a camera bag.
I, on the other hand, am POSING with the most hideous pout.
IRL I went on a lovely walk with Hazel this evening.
I've watched a lush program about 80's food, it's so funny.
Had some good chat with Ashley online.
Become very very tired and I just want to sleep now for DAYS.
Right, let's see if I can post this baby.
(It didn't do the photos I had to sort them separately!) ANGER!
Thank goodness that was all sorted out. Haha :)
A good chat we did have.
You guys look so adorable! I personally believe all toys should have voices. I honestly think they come to life when we're all asleepy.
Toy Story 3 anyone?
Are you serious?
There is so much awesome in this post that I had to step away and come back.
Well, not really.
Gahhh. I absolutely love it.
That first picture is so adorable, my heart is melting.
Wow, what? That was really corny.
Okay, leaving now.
Also, can you guys ship me a sibling? Just find one and ship her/him to me? That'd be great, thanks. :)
Embarassment factor= +a zillion
Awesome cute factor?
a zillion times more.
Thankgoodness I've lost some weight is all I can say.
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