Well, here goes the description and associations with LEGO!
Man, this stuff has played a huge part in my life, it's one of those things that is a good sturdy foundational toy in my mind, every child needs to play with it.
I remember one art lesson and this guy, John, was sat near me and I looked over and he had drawn a wall like this:

Which is so bad I can't even find a picture of one like that online and I had to DRAW THAT MYSELF.
We all KNOW that THIS is how a wall is built.
Anyway, the story goes that I asked him why he was drawing such a rubbish wall, accompanied with the (at the time) joke of "it's a LEGO basic".
My face was like this : -_- when he said he'd NEVER played with lego. At 16!
Then there was the time in my past when we went to Lego Land Windsor as a family holiday, I was still tiny at the time but I remember it being SO fun. We got medals after panning for gold and I got a LL driving licence.
Even in my "thesexymacaroni" video on Monday there is lego, my FAVOURITE lego.
I've made claims in the past of having lego hair...
The best thing I ever constructed was an ice cream van, it's WELL JOKES.
Well, those are my current musings on LEGO.
Tune in tomorrow for a different blog on an "L" word.
1 comment:
Well all know that Liz is a genius when it comes to legos. =]
It's funny, here in the 'ol USA, we call them legos, and you refer to them as lego.
I love countries.
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