Friday, 9 October 2009

National Poetry Day (8th)

I am very aware it is now the 9th.
I am also aware that I should now clearly post earlier in the day and not try ever to wait til the evening.

I shall quickly recount what has happened since the evening of the 6th.
I went along to SSAGO where I met a giant red pompom spider called SHIT, we did a campus tour/crawl where we had to complete challenges and get photos. One of these needed to be a giraffe so I ren up to my room to get one. :D
Then I went over to James' but fell asleep during Star Wars V... because I'm just that cool.


On the 7th (Wednesday) my blog notes say that I had eggs for breakfast, read some of Paper Towns had a pasta salad for lunch, listened to Trock as I did some scrap book customising, listened to Adam and Joe as I filled in a practise census.

I didn't write this up then because it got to the evening, I cooked, chatted to my kitchenmates and then James came over.
Apart from finishing ep V (that I had fallen asleep in yesterday) we watched the entire first series of Look Around You.

"It creates the most common form of Iron, brown iron or Bumcivillian"


Segue to yesterday!
I got up early for the Art shop but there was no sign of Bill before 9:45 and then I had to go to a Psychology computer lab session within which there was a fire alarm and a maths test.
I went and did some "art" from 1:15 - 4:15 then came and made some food before art club where I ended up making a sign of my name with things I like around it... If I was to put that on my room door it'd be the 4th label on there.

THEN we had a party for Adam's Birthday where in reality it was the 4 non drinkers in the area watching the others play ring of fire reaaaally loudly.

We ended up snacking on the "nibbles" while they were playing and I was sifting through a packet of lovehearts and come across one that said:


Anyone got any ideas?!

We went over to Bowland bar for a bit where Mike (County) and James (Fylde) were a tiny bit intimidated by the crazy loud renditions of "Bowland til I die"

T'others went into town after but I dinnea and that is the end of all those days.

I won't promise to post more regularly... but I do promise to post again with everything that matters.


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