Thursday, 28 January 2010


So maybe it IS a week since I wrote and maybe not much did happen that was worth reporting.

I saw a TERRIBLE film called Goodbye Solo.
A marginally better one The Godfather (I don't know why people love it).
A fairly good, funny and well made one called Away We Go.
OH and last night was Fantastic Mr Fox. It was enlightening and sweet and funny and ever so well made, top notch.

I ate a lot of food, painted a fair amount and watched James be able to remember the username and password to his old Runescape account that he hadn't signed into for 844 days!

I've been inspired by Hazel to trawl through my old (well "current" but that's a bit of a long shot) Myspace inbox. Here goes!

The oldest thing in my box is dated "05/06/2006 18:44" and is between me and Andrew Craig asking about some hilarious photos of Mr Rafferty.
Gosh, I still talked about seeing Dave Gorman then, and enjoying Black Books. NOTHING CHANGES.
I'm not going to post what Gorman used to say about our art lessons but boy it's funny reading back.

I'll just post this.

Sunday, 24 January 2010


That's what I'm sat on now while I type this, laptop on my chair by my bed.

I've just completed making notes on the art history readings for tomorrow which were (and are getting) more interesting than I used to find them. Which is a bonus.

TODAY was lovely, apart from having to tidy up (a bit) this morning it was pretty fantastic to see Haze, Ma and Pa. They were full of stories, brought me back a good portion of my clothes (Y) and my printer is finally installed and in use. (YES, it's fantastic, though now technically my Birthday is over! :P)

The cable in the car that is supposed to let you play your mp3 player through the car speakers is well and truly, pardon my German, gebuggered.
It was hilarious to hear half songs but I think we PETRIFIED James by having a full on raucous sing-a-long to "If You Were Gay" from Avenue Q.

No one who reads this will remember my year 9 German lessons. The invention of Klefp, the making and confiscation of an entire awesome pack of cards in one lesson, "The Money Game" (which involved TESCO and Sainsbury's vouchers), Mrs Lynn or "Pritt's ill". Gosh, they were good times. Becca, Hannah, Helen and I before it all went wrong.

Most people who read this will also hardly know about the "went wrong" part of that sentence. I'm so over that now, it was years ago. But back then it made me very bitter and very hateful and extremely dissapointed, sad and lonely. Gosh, I don't mean to get depressive, but one day I might write about it. Write about "what happened to the french block crew once Becca and Simon moved away and it all turned to sidge".

But not today, today I'm in a beautiful mood, James is coming back over in a bit and we might watch the last ep. of Black Books. We'll see. Or something else now that I have a whole host of things back.

I might teach him UNO so that we can play a-la-cuisine and not be ribbed for not knowing.

Oh siblings, one of the epic things (apart from, y'know, viewing the ponchos) is that quality childhood play time, whether it be walking sticks, pegs and blanket forts or board games or "we have to eat it sparingly".

Only Hazel will get that last reference.

I wanted to blog about how AMAZING but sad I think UP was that we saw last night but I've typed too much and I have to go let James in downstairs in a bit.

"Come on Pippin, it's time to fly!"

Thursday, 21 January 2010


So right, it's worked it's way through to Thursday afternoon and I don't even know how. Well I do really but my lack of blog activity is strangely worrying. It's just, I've tried to limit my online and on computer time so that I can be a real life sort of person. But tbh quite a LOT of my life is computer related, most of that is keeping in contact with the people who matter most to me, and by not writing this I feel ever so slightly neglectful. So I'm sorry.

Starting at Sunday night I shall now list some events in my life for the ease of myself and you.


This day ended with my finally prising my DS from James' hands and while he wasn't looking hiding it in the top drawer. As he looked for it he even lifted up my laptop to see if Zelda was there. *shakes head*


9am-11 Art History
11-12:30 Video for thesexymacaroni
12:30-1 Accommodation oddness as I received an email telling me I'd got a Grizedale studio... after emailing back it was sorted out though.
Also I had a minor fail moment in the post office which will probably be mentioned in Hazelizabeth this week.
1-3pm Art rooms ftw.
3-5 Art "messing session" creating samples of painting methods and textures which alerted me to me need/desire for bigger flat soft lovely paintbrushes and a "medium" that makes paints translucent so that they can layer and make more vibrant colours.
5-6 Most art as I started a "sketchbook" of my work so far on a crisp box.
6 I found out that James hasn't got on campus accommodation for next year and got a but mopey.
6:60ish We decided to have tea at Sultans because we didn't have time to cook properly before the film and we also wanted to try it out as a place. Though in the end we actually didn't go to see the film as we knew it was a subtitled one about war torn areas of Africa (Johnny Mad Dog).


9:30-11am Art studio work
11-12 Psycho lecture
12-3 Art
3-4 Psycho seminar
4-5 Art
5-6 New York meeting and group decisions. (I'm going to be with amazing people :D)
6-6:20 I chatted to Mum on skype for like, no time at all!
6:45 meet SSAGO for bowling a la Morcambe
11:30 Return to campus and sleeeeeeep!


I had porridge for breakfast
I finally did my nails for the first time in weeks and caught up with about 10 videos.
I then went to the art rooms and worked in there from 10-3...
Finally I had food and it was goooood.
My prescription letter came in the post but for some reason I fail to get free prescriptions.
James came over and we watched Hustle and ate more food!
I finally had time to watch /read youtube/blogs.
We also watched the new Newswipe with Charleston Brooker.

Thursday! TODAY!

For a day where I don't have to do anything in particular (no lectures or organised sessions) getting up at 7 to make a 9am Dr's appointment is silly and too early.
I went to the Library to do some art journal browsing.
Then to the art rooms where I gesso'd some wood and drew my hand a few times in practice for tomorrow's life drawing and for my "daily me" project!
I spent a good amount of time today tidying and vacuuming and such, and catching up with podcasts.
I went on a walk with James to pick up (and pay for, *grrr*) my prescription which was a nice refreshing break.
Bacon sandwiches for lunch (because I know you adore the details).
I recorded a video and I face indecision of whether it's worth posting because my channel isn't really about that sort of thing, but it's too big a thing to put in Hazelizabeth.
I listened to "Act Your Age" from Radio 4 coz it has J-Beef as a team captain!
ALSO M's done this project for school with a t-shirt/poster design based around the 'roni's and it's awesome. I'm very glad she shared it with me!

S'all for now, I'm psyched for the Soloist at the cinema tonight and for food in a bit.

Tatty Bye my lovelies.

Saturday, 16 January 2010


I haven't really kept a good note of the last few days but I feel I should indulge in a little bit of weekend blogging now that I've eaten my lunch (yeah yeah at nearly 5pm but I'm a student!).

I currently have the hiccups. They're quite an annoyance.
Do you get hiccups often? Mine usually go away when I concentrate on them, like now, just typing and thinking about them, rather than trying to read an article, has allowed them to abate!

Anyhoozle, over the week I finished four paintings of various sizes on different surfaces all on the theme of sleep. I'm fairly happy with them and looking forward to experimenting next week and taking my theme further into a more controlled style.

During the week James and I ate the food his Mum has cooked and was in the freezer including stuffed peppers (with mince and Reggae Reggae sauce) and stirfry and such.
We saw the film "Creation" about Darwin and his family life and health struggles. It was slow and rather sad but still a *thumbs up*. But then again I wouldn't watch it again like I would other films. Like Wolverine, I really want to watch that again.

On Friday morning we had a Life Drawing session (my first ever) and I found it rather difficult. I'm not at all accurate with speed!
Eri(I checked the spelling) and I planned our small 4 line discussion for our Art History lecture and I returned to our kitchen to make food and had a nice natter with Nick who had three essays to write before 3 that afternoon... (History, Ethics and Universe As An Art)

Last night we spent at James' playing Zelda and watching QI and that.

This morning we watched some Black Books and I returned to mine to mourn the prolonged lack of toaster.

I've been listening to a fair amount of Oceanic 6 in their music videos and it occurs to me that I'll end up knowing Lost inside info without ever watching it!

That's all for now, we're going to see Zombieland tonight, with the guy from Adventureland in it, it's as if he only does films with land in the title. I don't want to check IMDB because it'll spoil the fun.

Toodlilly O

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


"I'm going to start this blog early too so I don't forget to mention the toaster."

Is the only line I managed to write before 9am this morning when I had to head out to the studios to get a bit o painting done!

As IF it is now half past three?!

Well, if you care this morning I spent ages sorting out and removing gum strip again from my drawing board and then doing some work prepping bits of hard board with gesso and one with a gesso sand mix.
I painted two trials today, a brightly coloured gouache on the gesso/sand and a teeny watercolour on water colour paper.

Bacon sandwiches and pineapple for lunch with bread that, once again, had to be toasted in the "other" kitchen?! Our kitchen's toaster seems to have gone.

That intrigues me!

AHAHAH oh dear, today is one of my neopets 2000th day of being, there is no way that is healthy.

"to shake to and fro" is my blog title's meaning.

Finally I shall alert you to the fact James and I ate peppers stuffed with mince for tea.

Sunday, 10 January 2010


Well, well well.
I'm rather sorry that I haven't had time to update this, and to be honest I still don't. Erm, I'll come back and write this around 5 o'clock because I have to go stretch paper.

RIGHT, so I've just got in from my Psychology seminar but I'll get back to that because I now have to tell you all about what happened since Saturday.

Fairly early on Saturday I packed up my "essentials" into a BIG bag, a rucksack a big handbag and a laptop bag and set off with Mum and Dad to get the bus to the train station. From Durham to Newcastle I stood like a lemon in the corridor with clearly too much stuff, although the extra detachable wheels Dad provided for my big bag were a godsend.
At Newcastle I got on my connection to Carlisle and two girls near me started talking about it being their return trip to Uni, one of those to Lancaster (a lovely 3rd year Biology student called Amy) and another to Preston (a first year Media student called Nat who was doing an elective called "Turning goldfish into elephants.")
Talking to them all the way through to Carlisle and then Lancaster made the time pass much more swiftly.
I got to Lancaster to be greeted by James and then to have a meal out with his parents. (Lucky me :D) I had a burger and then a fruit salad and then we walked across the icy streets of Lancaster so I could get some bread and bacon and fruit juice from Sainsbury's.
Back at Lancs we headed to unpack and have a natter with both mine and James's flat mates.


We spent the entire day inside in the warm only emerging from James' room for food.
It was well good.


Getting up for my lecture was not so fun, though the shower being warm for once was a blessing.
Our 9 o'clock Art History lecture was SO cold, it was just daft. THEN I went to sort out with the office getting a letter I need to apply for book funds. I'll get that tomorrow.
I popped in to pick up post and found my marvellous new laptop power cable and then set off to make a bacon sandwich and record my sexy mac video before 1 so I could go over to art and sort out my things.
My video has had an edit fail where there is a rank bit of me that I thought I'd cut... but alas that's what happens on busy busy days!
So between 1 and 3 (which is when we had our first official painting session) I sorted out my space, got equipment packed away and found and had a fairly long talk with both Erry(spelling unknown) and Sammy.
They're both so very interesting and easy to talk to it's fantastic.
It turns out, although she looks to be our age, Erry is in fact 35. She firstly did a course in millinery and worked designing and making hats for 5 years and since then has worked various office and other jobs until last year she decided to do a foundation course and now our Art degree.
On the other hand Sam is one of the girls who shares my exact Birthday and we were discussing the many aspects of her life as she was deaf from birth to 11 but had enough operations that she can now hear very well. She wasn't diagnosed 'til she was 5 and we just talked in fascination about all sorts of things.

THEN I learned how to stretch paper. Did that for a good long while, talked through continuing my project of sleeping people with Emma and headed for food before our first film of the year.

Dr Parnassus, Heath Ledger's last ever film was enticing and bizarre and ever so fascinating.
They hadn't yet printed term passes and that prompted James to say that next year WE should clearly be in the film group who run the cinema because we clearly wouldn't forget to do a thing like that!

Tuesday (TODAY! Huzzah!)

So, with time this morning before my 11 o'clock lecture I went to print some work and to buy some paper and a drawing board (etc.) from Bill and also, because they're only £15 this week, a Lancaster Uni hoody. I looked at it later though and the seam at the bottom was all raggy because it's the "eco" material one. Well they should have made it look nicer because I ended up swapping my red one for a blueish/turquoise one that's so so bright.

We ended up with a double lecture today because of the questionnaire we had to do that took so long but the American woman taking the lecture had brought her massive dog along with her. Crazy times.

I had a rushed lunch and headed over to art to get some done before my seminar where we talked about behaviour modification and rewards/punishments.

Right now I've just typed this epic piece of literature and plan to watch Being Human in my small small gap before food ans SSAGO.

Tomorrow I really must get some artist research done and go to the post office about money for New York.

Tally ho!

Friday, 8 January 2010


There is this brand of ink called quink.
I used to refill my Parker pen ink cartridges from a pot of it to save on, well, buying more ink.


That doesn't really have any relation to what I'm going to write about today.

Last night, Becky, of tikken fame, gave me in invite to Google Wave. I don't know when I'll use it but it was very kind of her to invite me.


Today I did a lot of sorting because I need to clarify what and what not is travelling with me on the train tomorrow.

I did some Art History reading and also went on a walk with Mum to TESCO to get some shopping in.

We watched the new Tracy Beaker tonight, what a laugh.

There was probably more I should say but I sort of want to sleep soon.


P.S. In over a year of writing blogs I've never tagged them. Whoops.

Thursday, 7 January 2010


Oh gosh I failed at doing this throughout the day today and when I don't do this earlier I don't quite have the motivation to write a full winded blog.

Today I spent a good few hours finishing that essay that has recently plagued me.

I'm listening to the second episode of Dr Duck and it's funny already.

I'm going to Uni by train on Saturday!

Sorry I'm not going to continue, no inspiration for lots of intricate language.


Wednesday, 6 January 2010


You know what?
(Of course you don’t really it’s not like I’m going to follow that question with “it snowed”…)
Both M and Hazel wrote in their blogs about how they always write outside their respective blogging platforms in some sort of nifty text program that has a better spell checker than an internet browser (I mean, come on! Google Chrome didn’t even have Google in its own dictionary!) and that boasts the ability that, if by chance they accidentally CTRL+A (of I guess for M apple+A) and DEL there is that blessed back/undo button or CTRL+Z that blogger doesn’t have.
Well today my friends and maybe not friends but readers (though I hope you ARE my friends) I am writing this from Microsoft Word.
Wow, so many parentheses in so little time.
I walked to the doctors this morning for a check up and to procure some extra doobery moisturiser. I couldn’t find the right word there; you’ll have to cope with doobery. Mum met me there after volunteering at the local school and finding it was also closed (like her own) and we went to buy bread and milk and bananas and to visit Nana. The snow is fairly deep too, I feel like an Anouki walking through it!
I haven’t done this blasted essay yet AND Cait is supposed to be coming over soonish to interview me about climate change or something. It should be good to see her but it does mean I’ll have to stay up later to get everything done. I’m alright with that though today, I’m being calm and collected rather than the irrational beast I was yesterday. Though Chrome has just crashed.
Now I see why both Hazel and M write so goddamn much in their own blogs. In Word it just feels like a project that you’re SUPPOSED to write so much in. Geese.
I meant then to use the onomatopoeic sound word of “geesh”. I typed geese and liked it’s small amusement factor. It stays.
Right, pause now while I actually try to do my essay.

Cait come over this afternoon to interview me for one of her projects, it was good and we had a lovely natter but it clearly stopped me writing and so my essay is STILL not remotely essay shaped.

Oooh, it may be just past 7pm but I now have 700 words + which is a great improvement!

Aaaaaand I'm done 'til tomorrow now.

Nothing of quality is produced after 8pm...


Tuesday, 5 January 2010


This morning I felt terrible. Firstly Mum came in and told me I had no motivation and I evaluated my life to see that, although I think she is wrong in the majority I really haven't made the most of my free time this holiday.

To this extent I got up directly at 8, did the washing up and went out to try and get some reasonable photos in the snow.

I am supposed to be going out to the cinema today but really this shouldn't happen.
It makes me feel horrid that I won't get to see my friends again this holiday, probably not until Easter will I even come back home so actually I maybe should put the effort in today.

Then again roads, schools and airports are being closed and I don't want to be stranded.

I'm cutting into the half an hour I've allowed myself online so I'm going to stop typing.


Right, I know for a fact my "day plan's" never work but today it is due to 4 phonecalls and my difficulties in locating articles or journals online!

OH and guess what!?
My laptop cable is now faulty, yey! Great way to head back to uni with the possibility that I won't have my laptop working.

I'm eating my lunch now so it's ok that I'm on here.


Oh right, I've had a terrible day, I don't want to write about it.

Monday, 4 January 2010


(If you were wondering it means "full of complaints")

Ok, so I'm not that full of complaints but there are a few and on those I shall focus.

My bedroom window leaks a bit so every day there is a pool of icy water on my windowsill. This is not too much of a problem though as it can easily be absorbed (and is) by a strategically placed piece of kitchen roll.

I feel terrible that in 4 weeks (since our sculpture project ended) I still haven't edit together the video that I promised to myself and my subscribers.

I can't afford the time and money that are necessary to celebrate Jen's birthday out as a meal on the 23rd... it would cost £32.25 return train journey and 8 hours of my time that I don't have. Also it's AJ's birthday that Wednesday so it's likely that weekend there will be some celebration for him?

I have completed one section of my PinE work and only have an essay, some lab stuff and Art History reading to do now... Oh and loads of ideas for art next term.
I'm thinking a project on robots and a huge painting of me looking at myself trying to decide on future careers and tinting in red the ones I've ruled out...

I wrote thank-you cards this evening!

I can't get access to half of the articles I sort of want to read, although I have so far located one that promises to be good I still have to find another 9.

Tis all for today my lovelies.

Sunday, 3 January 2010


I'm SO going to run out of words that begin with Q, soon none will emerge from my brain as I sit here on my comfy memory foam field and attempt to type. I shall probably resort to a forage through Urban Dictionary once again.

Last night was strange, without James this 2 person bed was like a vast ocean of empty space. I ended up curling up right on the very edge, I don't know, to preserve space or something.

This morning passed in a flurry of bath, jigsaw and Zelda while I listened to Jon Richardson. We had more snow last night so our previous plan to drive to Leeds to see Grandad for a Birthday meal (he's 90 tomorrow!) was cancelled.

That turn of events led to us just finishing a Sunday lunch of lamb, mash, carrots and cabbage. So 'twas that I am sat here full as a full thing about to forage onto the LUVLE site to find some Psychology in Education work that is ENTIRELY NECESSARY.

Oh right, I got that printed then went downstairs only to go to the loo and THEN got roped into going to Spar to get a piece of important documentation photocopied! The closest one had issues, it just jammed and span and gurgled. So I took it upon myself to set off on the epic (5 minute) walk over to the other Spar. 10p later and I trekked the journey home to then be distracted by Potter Cast...

Then comes the time, right now, approaching 9pm, when I decide that enough is enough, this is getting posted.


Saturday, 2 January 2010

Quite alright

I didn't make it through all of December.
My life was so busy that by the evenings I was SO tired that I couldn't function to type blogs.

On Wednesday night there was a get-together at Caitlin's house, mostly her Mum's friends but our family (and James of course) went along.
The food, company, conversation and games well superb.

On Thursday we went out for Chinese eat-as-much-as-you-like for lunch. 8 of us. Me and James, Maddy, Jen, Laura, Ross, Emily and David. We had a point afterwards, walking through town, when it started hail stoning and we bumped into both Danny Mac and Will Smith. After a bit of shopping and a hot chocolate we headed home.
Actually, we stopped to glance around tkmaxx but there was nowt I wanted...

We decided to skive off from going to town on the night because nearly ALL of my friends had been invited to various house parties that I hadn't. It suited us much better as I've never (and still have not become)someone who enjoys "a night on the town".

Instead we played a few games and went to bed to then lie around until the new year broke in.

Yesterday we had a day in. We had a lie in 'til lunch and watched the first half of the new adaptation of Day of the Triffids. Zelda and sleep and jigsaw filled the day until Dr. Who, tea and Big Fat Quiz of the Year. James and I worked together on that and got 22 points.

So, Dr. Who, it was lovely, sad, epic, dramatic and both a lot and nothing like I expected.
I could say MANY things but my main question is HOW is he still 906? How many regenerations is he expected to have in a "year" of his life... is a year of his like 365 days of life? If so the amount of adventures he is shown to have gone on, all of the ones we don't see too. He (as Tennant) would be clearly older than 906. Has he been 906 since the tv show started? If so that's STUPID.

EDIT:Since I wrote this, James linked me to this. Doesn't clarify ANYTHING other than the writers don't seem to work with a chronological Dr. either that of they wrote the episodes without prior research!

Catching Fire isa great book (I've written more in my Bookshelf blog).

Oh, James went home this morning and left his wallet so they had to turn around and come back, he's also left the rest of the box of "surprises" chocolates that Nana got him for Christmas. That's not SO bad though, I'll get them to him next week.

Now starts me full WEEK of work. By golly there is a lot of it to do!
