Saturday, 16 January 2010


I haven't really kept a good note of the last few days but I feel I should indulge in a little bit of weekend blogging now that I've eaten my lunch (yeah yeah at nearly 5pm but I'm a student!).

I currently have the hiccups. They're quite an annoyance.
Do you get hiccups often? Mine usually go away when I concentrate on them, like now, just typing and thinking about them, rather than trying to read an article, has allowed them to abate!

Anyhoozle, over the week I finished four paintings of various sizes on different surfaces all on the theme of sleep. I'm fairly happy with them and looking forward to experimenting next week and taking my theme further into a more controlled style.

During the week James and I ate the food his Mum has cooked and was in the freezer including stuffed peppers (with mince and Reggae Reggae sauce) and stirfry and such.
We saw the film "Creation" about Darwin and his family life and health struggles. It was slow and rather sad but still a *thumbs up*. But then again I wouldn't watch it again like I would other films. Like Wolverine, I really want to watch that again.

On Friday morning we had a Life Drawing session (my first ever) and I found it rather difficult. I'm not at all accurate with speed!
Eri(I checked the spelling) and I planned our small 4 line discussion for our Art History lecture and I returned to our kitchen to make food and had a nice natter with Nick who had three essays to write before 3 that afternoon... (History, Ethics and Universe As An Art)

Last night we spent at James' playing Zelda and watching QI and that.

This morning we watched some Black Books and I returned to mine to mourn the prolonged lack of toaster.

I've been listening to a fair amount of Oceanic 6 in their music videos and it occurs to me that I'll end up knowing Lost inside info without ever watching it!

That's all for now, we're going to see Zombieland tonight, with the guy from Adventureland in it, it's as if he only does films with land in the title. I don't want to check IMDB because it'll spoil the fun.

Toodlilly O

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