We could have travelled for that if I wasn't going to New York this weekend and tbh we're going to see Russell Kane's Fakespeare on the 10th!
The other day Alex sent me a text at exactly 13:37, it was just lyrics from Tom's Catsong but it was just hilarious.
This made me giggle too when posting on Haze's blog:

The other night we attempted to watch the Fifth Element and James was just not happy with it so we gave up.
For breakfast we had pineapple FRESH.
On Saturday there was a Fire Alarm. Then another one half an hour later.
9, the animated film, is AWESOME!
Sunday morning was washing morning with a Sunday lunch of chicken, potato and peas.
Is it too creepy to say I had a wonderful massage? Seriously it stopped me being all itchy at night so it was darn amazing.
:D :D
I adore Flight of the Concords.
Last night, Monday we saw a documentary called Three Miles North of Molkom, it was so very very good just because real people are hilarious!
In art I've been experimenting with water droplets again, their delicate and suit my aims... but I also want to mess with my hot glue gun at some point, maybe when I go over in a bit!
James has got a room off campus next year in Chancellor's Warf and he has to go look at it tomorrow at 5:30... which might make it difficult to make Bella Itallia before Fakespeare, though we WILL make it work!
I'm watching the program about 100 years of guiding now! :D
I'm still kind of jealous that you text Alex on a reg basis. I really hope you have a blast in New York. Please don't try the hot dogs...nyc hot dogs are SKETCH. DO HAVE PIZZA!
(should be they're)
100 years of Guiding programme = WOWOWOWOWOWOOW <333
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