Thursday, 8 April 2010

This essay

Is merely ideas still.
But slightly more clarified ideas in my mind now.
And yes I did just start a sentence with But (and now And too).

It's my blog and I'll do what I want to.

This morning I had to set up a a VPN so I could do some Lancaster-y stuff an get my essay underway.
I cleared my bedroom chair and by 10 I still didn't have the images I would need to start my essay.
Firstly I needed to find out what the essay involves. To do that I had to download a host of documents from LUVLE.

So I spent my day fiddling around and reading about Neo-Plasticism and Abstract Expressionism.

Plus getting distracted by a website about the upcoming Portal 2.

Dad's bought this game with bibs that bounce a ball. It looks hilarious.
I really really want to record a spoof advert for it tomorrow with Hazel for my channel.

Going to shuffle some more papers.

James will be in Durham in Just over 2 hours.



ShadowedDark said...

(I always start sentences with And, I kill a fairy every time I do though.)



Ashley said...

lol LUVLE xD like lovely *chuckle*

idk why ive taken to writing my sentences starting with and/but lately. silly grammar