Monday, 23 August 2010

Xander (is an x word...)

It's raining, somehow it's the afternoon already, and I'm listening to Dave Days for the first time fully.
There are only maybe 3 songs I've genuinely enjoyed. Although there have been amusing youtube and youth culture references in the other stuff it seems TOO produced and too pop-like, too tween. I don't know how to put it... not quirky or garage-bandy enough. Obviously just not my type of music!

Erase This is next on my list, I'm working through my music shelf with the actual physical CD's. (Yesterday was Awkward Ballads for the Easily Pleased - Tom Milsom which is still my favourite internet musician CD to date; Parrot Stories - Alex Day; Chameleon Circuit; 117% Complete and The Darkness - Permission to Land which had somehow crept into my "youtube" shelf...)

My next task is to get my room in a presentable state to record a video in, a room tour for TSM.

Tidied to Erase This and felt motivated and happy and sang along to my heart's content!

Hank's I'm So Bad At This Live is on now, it's going to very long. I'm not going to edit my video until after lunch, it's ticket book time now.

I just spend too long on that site that is another blogging platform but has rules against me talking about it over here.

I printed a page of photos for my Ticket Book. It's coming along very nicely. ALSO, I have asked Dad to find me some photos for the days I didn't take any. Should be SMASHING by the time it's finished. I might make it a page on my website when I'm done.

Time to edit the video.
Tea interrupted and I'm just about to save it...
Listening to Sarah's Spotify playlist.
Went for a walk. Working on getting this video to work again.

Got that uploaded but it's not processed... :(

Epic skype convo is epic.

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