Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Blog title freedom!

So, now that it is no longer November my alphabet cycle has finished!

Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
This was fantastic, my favourite of anything Monty Python I've watched so far. It was quirky and witty and included shrubberies.
Well worth watching.

This is a french film that we watched with subtitles. It was totally fantastic. It is about a guy who gets paid to break couples up, only if they are unsatisfied so that he never really breaks hearts, just sets people free. He works with his sister and her husband and they wear all sorts of crazy disguises and use technologies to manipulate the situation. Pretty awesome and well worth watching despite having to read subtitles throughout.

As for myself I'm pretty good, fairly happy with everything and pretty confident that my work is going to turn out ok in the end. I've been trying to work out what I want to do, haphazardly trying different avenues and techniques, collecting ideas and trying to figure out where to go. I'm getting put off track by having to concentrate on my essay so much which is due in in 2 and a bit weeks. So, at the moment I'm spending a lot of time reading about Francis Bacon as I have to write an essay on him. Well, I chose him from a list because I thought he would be interesting, he is but he also doesn't fit into many stereotypes which makes him difficult to write about, but also quite good to give many opinions and write critically about. Or he will once I get to the writing part!

SSAGO went bowling last night and I came 2nd twice! Pretty good. 102 points in the first game 119 in the second. It was great fun to get to know people better while we chatted in between goes. I've learned more names now! Also, I turned on the camera to record for my video, just thought, I'll record one and no matter what I get I'll use it. FIRST STRIKE OF THE NIGHT.

So, that's my life, I'm not NaNoing, just living my life as normal.

Will write back in here soon I hope!


1 comment:

Haze said...

That's all <3