Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Life and Times of Liz

So, I feel like I've been ever so busy since I wrote that random piece of fiction.

We've seen "Winter's Bone" "Exit Through The Gift Shop" "Despicable Me" and "The Illusionist" recently.
I've been painting my mini portraits and even though there are some errors I feel I'm getting much better.
I'm excited to pursue this project into an area that could even include digital representations such as a projection of the links between.
We shall see.

In my downtime I've been re-doing which I'm so much happier with now.
I know it needs improving and personalising but with the Wordpress style of it I'm sure I'll be able to design a smashing layout when I get around to it.

I've also been reading The Lord of the Rings. I seem to still have a form of book narcolepsy and so I find myself barely able to get through a chapter without dosing off. Anyway, I'm enjoying it (thankfully) and I'm only about 50 pages from the end of the first one!

I'm going to log off this laptop of mine and do a drawing. It's going to be something experimental and different because I need to test things as that's one of the ways to move forward.

For Art updates you should check the Posts! area of my website.

Or right, I didn't review those films.

Winter's Bone was gritty and strange and a bit slow and at points I didn't really mind what happened to the characters. It was ok though if you want to put yourself through an experience.

Exit Through the Gift Shop was a Banksy documentary based around street art and the film collections of a pretty crazy man called Thierry. Well, I've read about it after and people seem to think it's a "hoax" cooked up by Banksy himself. Whatever it is I think it was quite fascinating as I've never known much about street art or even Banksy except for him being witty and clever and subversive and now I see his appeal. He's pretty much a genius and to become so well know without revealing his identity (unlike the freaking Stig) well that's just amazing. I recommend this film/documentary.

Despicable Me I thought was lovely, charming, strangely proportioned (but many animations are). It was quirky and cute and had enough laughs. You engaged with the characters and it was just a good film. I have to point out that James wasn't so won over by it though so maybe you mightn't like it. Oh well.

The Illusionist had so much promise but it just didn't live up to it. It was oh so beautifully animated and the music was fitting and wonderful and magical. The story was strange (as in a man buys a woman shoes and then she follows him to Edinburgh and they live in a hotel while she manipulates him into buying a new coat/dress etc for her and he fails to get much good work as an illusionist on stages. Gradually they don't fall in love and she meets someone else. With subplots of other failing entertainers and barely any speech that ranged from French to Gaelic.) it just wasn't that great. I nearly fell asleep because I just wasn't engaged by the characters.

So there you go. It's the Town at the end of the week and that looks a bit pants too. We'll see.

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