Thursday, 10 February 2011

Heart to Heart

I'm currently sitting on my swivel chair in E12 (my room on campus) and watching the little lights of cars as they pootle around the roundabout.

I dislike the look of the word roundabout. It's unpleasant.
Nifty, however, is a very lovely word in both sound and appearance.

I used to blog like this all the time. Tell you all about me, about what I'd been up to. The discussions we'd had in English or the comments from car journeys.

A lot of my life is sitting by myself listening to musicals and painting or drawing or plain thinking.
Another lot of my life is spent watching moving images; videos on youtube, films at the cinema, tv shows on iPlayer and James playing Runescape.
I spend hours and hours every day with James. I can't understand people who don't want to spend every moment with their significant other.
I'm trying to read a bit every day (currently in Lord of the Rings Two Towers) and I'm also updating my proper website with my artwork nearly every day.
I read through the skype conversation that I have called "the sexbucket" it's a load of awesome internet friends and my sister (who is also an awesome internet friend).

I don't listen to the radio and I find out my news through youtube and tumblr.
I always intend to make food before heading out to art in the morning but I often find I'll meander over and I'll get there and be working and then realise I didn't. So I buy more ready made sandwiches than I should.
I talk to Paige the most in art, she's pretty awesome and I don't even know if you know that I have a friend called Paige. Which is sad.
If I blogged more I'd spend less time "living" and more time "recording" but I miss it. I seriously miss my diary of events.

So, what do you think?
Should I try and make blogging a daily or at least every 3 days or so occurrence?

James is writing a story that should be made public in March.
I think once we hit March I'll be back blogging more often.

Toodles for now!

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