Saturday, 28 May 2011

Possessions = Problems

I'm not going to lie, I like things.
I'm a massive fan of trinkets and keeping things for memories sake.
However, I'm also a huge fan of useful things. I never want to be the person who isn't capable of completing a task just because she didn't have the right thing to hand.

Due to this state of affairs I own a heck of a lot and I have a whole crazy amount of this stuff with me at University.
Last summer we barely could fit everything in the car to take me home and that was with an earlier trip to pick up ALL of my art things.

This year I need to keep a big box of my art things to work with for the next 3 weeks so I spent 2 hours today sorting my studio so that I can send as much as possible home early tomorrow.
I'm going to have to head back over there later/tomorrow because there is a board a folder and a bag that I won't need this year that can maybe go home tomorrow too.

Right now I'm listening to Viv on a recording of a lecture telling me that Tracey Emin is a symptom of the culture she live in and that her work is from an authentic experience and creates a similar one for the audience.

My bedroom floor is a tip. I think I should go through my wardrobe again and pack up as damn much as I can because I clearly will not be wearing everything in there before the end of term.

Right, I've taken out two dresses and two more tops... I know I still won't need all that I have but I do have 5 more weeks and I do like choice.

All that needs to be done now is to go through the piles and piles of paper and things that are on my floor and work out which of the papers need recycling, which need shredding, which to be kept but sent home and which are SO IMPORTANT that they have to stay here!

Right, so it's nearly 6 so that means it's nearly Who but it also doesn't for me. I'll be watching it with James later and later probably means after 9!

I'm going to go now, this is just distracting. :)

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