Thursday, 18 August 2011

Blog Every Day in August #18

You would not believe how much of a mess tidying up can be. Can CAUSE!
Well I didn't have a floor to stand on this morning and now I have less but somehow we've thrown a lot away. Also, a lot of what  I've got rid of has gone downstairs to be got rid of or restored in one way or another.

But Mum said that's enough for today so we had to stop. I think I could have carried on for another hour or so if we were actually doing something and not reading letters from the past. I have this box of random stuff to go to charity but I think there are paperclips at the bottom so I'm not sure how much might end up being rehoused.

Well, anyway. I'm tired now and I need to do some writing.

I'm running out of different ways to say goodbye.


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