We came third.
So right - here is the story.
We arrived at the scout hut at 6 ish.
We put up our tent then had a kit check.
We planned our trek.
At this point we were told that the whole night was Dr. Who themed.
I was so happy, we all were.
We started walking at half 7.
We got back to our tents at 3.
Yep, 7 and a half hours walking and doing tasks.
Our first task was a couple of puzzles in biscuit tins.
A word search of aliens from Dr. Who all whose names began with C.
Chip wasn't in the grid so that sent us to the next box.
Then we had to do a sudoku to find the next number.
Then a crossword thing which was class because we knew all the answers the Whovians we are.
The last box had a picture of a Cyberman wearing a scout uniform giving us a clue.
The next stop was Unit stopping us to retrieve bits of a satellite and count radioactive material.
We got a message from the Daleks for doing so.
Our next stop was a tea and coffee point.
One of the guys Sam was going to be 20 in 20 mins being it nearly midnight so we sang Happy Birthday.
They noticed that we were "remarkably female" seeing as we were the first Rangers to ever do this Scout orientated thing.
On the way to the next stop we passed a few groups of Scouts and I recognised Nathan from Outward Bound which was uplifting.
The next stop involved each of us harnessing up and climbing a tree to then attach ourselves to a rope and shimmy along.
By this point we'd been walking for about 5 hours and were very muddy and pretty much worn out.
But we had to bridge the rift in time and space so we did.
The last stop was matching pairs of painted sticks for which we got the best time of the night despite it being just after 2 in the morning.
It was amazing despite the wearing out-ness.
Marc from Outward Bound was also there which was class to see him again.
I was like, "Hi, Mouse."
He was like, "Didn't expect to see you here."
Then we came 3rd. I think we got extra points for our hats though.
I got a certificate and badge but I'm not photographing them for once...
I slept till lunch and I'm contexting now.
Later I'll sleep some more!