Monday, 17 November 2008


I've had an odd day.
I woke up tired which is never fun.
In psychology we were studying eating disorders, its really scary because talking about the scary thin anorexic people makes me eat. I get really disturbed by their terrible state of affairs and even learning the Psychodynamic, Cognitive, Behavioural and Biological explanations just makes me feel rather strange. I have knowledge, other people know this, so why does it still happen, why is it still so out of control?
People still die from their own self denial of food.

My firefox doesn't seem to like me any more as now none of the constant thingys work.
To explain.
When on facebook I don't get notifications until I refresh.
On youtube my comment will say posting until I refresh then it looks posted.
On here it always says "Could not contact Saving and Publishing may fail. Retrying..." when it used to save.
Oh yeah and Twitter doesn't update without me refreshing.
Qasalan Expellibox now never loads and neither do Friend Updates on Myspace.
Or the other shows on blogtv don't load.
I think I should re-download FF.

Well. English was nice this afternoon.
We swapped rooms with Mr. Hunter and were sat all around two tables rather than our normal spreadoutyness.
We were reading The Winter's Tale it was beautiful. GB's enthusiasm for Shakespeare is immense.
It was all cosy and nice.


Overall a pretty darn tootin' fantastic day.


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