Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Cripes! It's bonfire night...

I didn't go see any... but I can hear them.
I've already got a cold and I don't want to make it worse by going to stand in the cold and wet...
I spoil all the fun.

But really I've had a spiffing day!

Might be going on another Outward Bound thingy, this time just a weekend, with school!
I got a yes referencing yesterdays blog.
Obama won.
I just finished a new video for mine and Hazel's collab channel.
Both lessons I had today were useful and worthwhile and I had two productive frees and a fun one.

Johnnydurham19 wrote about this in his blog.
I too think it's lush enough to pass on.

Early post tonight because I'll forget if I leave it!



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