Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Lengthy re-immersion

This is a day and a half.

I want to make this a disclaimer right now.
I am sorry that today is not an account of Switzerland and that instead I spent most of today reading and visiting family.
I also managed to do no photo or video editing.
I only watched EIGHT youtube videos.

I've watched back and commented on all the sexymac videos and am systematically reading and commenting on blogs.
Still only up to Aug 9th ones...

Still going, only three blogs left after approaching 3.5 hours.

My phone's just gone off, wonder what that might be.
It was Mum telling me to get the washing in as it was raining, despite a heatwave being predicted!

I just posted a massive rant in response to Marissa's latest blog about the possible Paper Towns movie.
Well not rant exactly, just ramble-y thoughts.

Banking. Is scary.
Important and intimidating.

Video watching is going badly, bazillions to go.

I edited and sent a 4 second clip to SitC too, I hope it ends up in the collab because we bought t-shirts.

We went on a visit to Nana's today.
My cousin and Uncle are up so we spent some time chatting.
She has a new massive tv and it's rather pretty, although the quality wasn't really what I expected.
When we're there there are often three conversations going on at once and it drives my head a little bit batty.
Also at one point Nana said "Do you notice anything else different?"
As our eyes scanned the room she said quite loudly and excitedly,

OK so this is just a regular blog, SO WHAT!?

I will tell you our adventures but I have over 6 gigs of video footage to sort out too!
Till tomorrow when you should get a better description or I've been threatened to be eated by Ash.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gooooood luck on the video shiz! I'm glad you got the sexymac done with first. It's cuz we're the best, right? :)