Wednesday, 5 August 2009


I do not feel up to the busy day that today promises to be.
It's 10:45 right now and I shall outline what I have to do today.
Film and edit TWO videos (which includes resurfacing some much needed lego).
Go shopping.
All before we go see RENT this evening.

To add insult to injury, ok this phrase doesn't fit bit w/e, my feet are BURNING hot in these socks I've just put on.

A little known fact about me is that I don't like wearing socks around the house and if I'm going out I leave it till the last possible time to adorn my feet with them.
Today I put them on as I got dressed and now they just feel FAR too warm.

Another thing that's getting to me is the lack of arrival of our CDs from DFTBA... I have this FEAR that the paypal didn't work even though we got an email about it... I don't understand but I wanted Taking Leave to listen to in Switz and now I doubt that.

We went shopping but came home soon as we were all in one of those strange "I don't really want to shop" moods.

We watched the end of Talladega Nights the Ballad of Ricky Bobby, that was good.

Then I filmed end am about to edit TWO sexymac videos.
My one for next Monday is painful, I'm considering asking for it to be made private.

Charlie Brooker as recommended by Tom.

OOH RENT was awesome! Seriously, they did it so so SO well.



Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love Rent. It's one of my favorite plays!! I've actually seen it twice, once in NY and once when it came to my house.

And I disagree about socks. I love them, even when they don't match my outfit whatsoever (and they usually don't). I have this obsession with colorful socks. :D

Ashley said...

Yay Rent! I finally got it! Now, yousendit won't work. I'm going to do this! PROMISE!

Nice work on the videos. Two a day is rather difficult.

What's your preference to socks? color? cut? thickness?

It looks like all of us (M, me, you) are having terrible issues with the post. *shakes fist*