Monday, 21 September 2009

Many things

Today I made a video about socks that ended up being more rant than about socks...
I watched the first hour and thirty minutes of Dark Knight while ironing.
I kept an msn conversation going from 12:06 til now...
I've watched a bit of Benjy's blog tv show but had to go because I need to do other things.
I talked a little bit to Amy about Neopets because really, there is no escaping once you get sucked back in.
It's raining now... I adore the sound it creates on my slated attic-y roof window. It makes me feel cosy!
Oh yeah I also had this song stuck in my head all day since I watched the video...
"Do you want Georgia to leave? No, No, No!"
Thanks Alex.


I'm watching University Challenge now.

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