Blimey, I totally forgot I had this open and would have to come back to a mash of thoughts from the day...
Firstly I've privatised my old youtube videos, teddy's arse and most of the stuff I had up from 2006. The thing is now I just look look like a massive fiveawesomeguys fangirl. Not that that's a bad thing. I love all 5 of them. But I really should have more to my channel than Ross falling off a chair, a drawing of the 5ags, three 'ology vids and a video response to Alan. Thing is, unless I make one tomorrow or Sunday I'm back into my week for hazelizabeth. *le sigh*
I felt I should have recorded one today... but all inspiration slipped away.
I own far too many cables for things I don't own or use anymore or that don't work... Just sitting in an old Hercules bin.
A thing that struck me today is that none of you readers realise quite how crafty and cool my Dad is. I rarely talk about him. We have this amazing thing at home: fridge pencils. For writing lists. You know those pads always come with a grotty pen in a horrible plastic clip? Well no worries. We have pencils that are magnetised because Dad's inserted teensy magnets into them. :D
I've also started checking twitter too much again since the pause I took before exams. It's now worked it's way to 4th spot on most visited on my browser homepage.
Then again I'm still suprised I visit youtube more than my emails!
Did some gardening... trimmed two hedges into submission with the shears.
Went to the DLI to see some art, was mediocre. One thing was a pinboard and lots of bits of paper that asked you to list what 5 items you would take into a bunker if war broke out. After much deliberation and reading what was already up. (One woman had written Husband, crossed it out, and replaced it with Chocolate. Another wrote "the complete works of Shakespeare and Radio 4.) I decided that I'd take it very seriously and consider that I'd be sharing this bunker with the people who'd already written so I decided not to also bring Shakespeare... Anyhoo I clarified at the top of my sheet that I was ruling out electricity and wireless internet because I doubted they'd be accessible in a Nuclear bunker. I chose: A torch that can be shaken to keep charged, a giant notepad with writing equipment, plenty of food, a sleeping bag and the complete Harry Potter cannon. Do you think I made a good choice? What 5 would you take? Before I left I changed my mind, went over, crossed out my entire list and wrote TARDIS. I mean, it's art, it;s all about freedom of expression and I'm 18 so I can do what I want. Right?
Rangers was on tonight too, we had a good old chat about Uni and swimming. Unrelated really but Jen had some magnificent stories about the swimming baths.
Right, must sleep. Up early to go on the boats on the river (I hope they're actually going to be fine it hasn't rained in ages so if the water is up I'll be gutted) then to the Cinema a la Newcastle.
Toodle Pip!
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