Saturday, 17 October 2009


I realise it is a fair while since I wrote for this.

The other night we went to see Coraline.
It was very good but rather creepy.

In our Art still life session on Friday morning I spent an hour and a half drawing a chair, ironing board and collection of wires.

Last night James and I watched Benchwarmers and it was good.

Today we went on a 4 hour walk, a full 4 hours of constant meandering, from Uni to town to the boatclub and back to the bus station. We would have walked back if we had time but we wanted to be back for the cinema. It's a terminator one tonight.

While we were part way through the film the fire alarm went off. I was actually enjoying the film so that was a bit of a bummer. But we went back in and finished watching it... well, I fell asleep and James woke me up when the plot started up towards the end.

I was so stupidly tired after the day that by 11pm I was asleep.

(Same toothbrush, lol.)


Fat. Bitch. said...

I saw Coraline when it came out and yeah... it's a bit weird.
I enjoyed it way too much for a film which is essentially about child abduction, lol. =P

Ashley said...

I miss you :(

I love this new movie thing. It's excellent. Now I can just ask you for recommendations ;)

I saw Coraline on the plane. Good but extremely creepy.

word ver: naked


Luke Beaumont's Design for Digital Media Blog said...

I have seen Coraline!

The whole sewing buttons in the eyes is a little bit creepy!