Monday, 5 October 2009

Nicely avoiding the flu

I woke up to an alarm today and I cannot quite work out if that is the reason I've woken up exhaused?! Maybe something was strange about last night... nerves for today?
Nope, don't think so.

Ash asked if the reason I haven't mentioned James much in here might be because I know Mum reads it, but no, that isn't why. I mean, I have now been going out with him for an entire week (as of tonight) and if Mum hadn't guessed or been told I'd be surprised!

I'm filling my three hours between artyness (of the lecture variety and the practical) with drawing up a plan of the first 10 weeks of Uni, I'll then eat, do my lecture notes and edit and post today's video!

James and I went for a walk around the perimeter of campus before I went to art.
It was niiice.

Our practical session this afternoon was strange but good, just messing with paper and card and textures with wax and ink and scraping bits away.
I came back, made a bacon sandwich, wrote up art notes (that I didn't actually get done earlier) then going over to the studio for a bit to mess around with papers.

I'm now back over in my room wondering why this is commentless...

I might take another early-ish night because tbh I'm quite exhausted...

In week 6 (starting 9th November) I have a week to go visit Art exhibitions around the good ol' UK.
I'm thinking this is a prime time for a trip to London, yes?




Ashley said...

HEY! I COMMENTED! like 2 minutes after you posted it. hehehehe

Hope your art project is going along well!

You'll hv to tell me sometime in the near future.


boobjob12 said...

Man, I love taking walks with someone you like. Not just romantically, although those are gorgeous, but just someone that makes you smile... that's one of my favorite things in the world.
Early night, huh? Oh wait, you it says you posted this at 6:20. Woah, it came to Google Reader at like... 6:20 my time. Weeeird.
Anyways, I'm really glad you're having a good time! Also glad that the Creaghan sisters are back to being top-notch! I mean, you were always, but yeah, you know what I mean. :) You rule, I miss you, and I shall hopefully talk to you sometime in the near future. No pressure. :P That just makes it sound pressurous. Oh hell. Later. xD