Tuesday, 8 December 2009

PinE in the arse

Is there no solution?
Can I please have a non-spotty AND non-dry face back.

Right this moment I don't have any horrible dry skin on my face.

BUT by moisturising it I've allowed it to become spotty.


Right this moment I'm actually amazingly happy (except for my face but while I don't have to look at that it's ok).

Although I left my massive bowl of salad in James' fridge... and didn't get the washing done last night because there was no water on campus.

Crazy! So we cooked and stayed in and played Oblivion, obv.

Well we had a career talk instead of PinE today this morning.
It makes me worry, just because I've never yet had a job it mkes it seem as if I'm a massive life fail!

Ah well, my salad-y lunch and two hours painting made me feel better and then our Seminar made me feel better about this essay which, although I'll have to do LOADS of reading for, seems much more manageable now. I might do little sections of reading and writing for it while James is doing his crazy ass amounts of rowing training running!

Well, I'm going to cook now so night-o!

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