Friday, 4 December 2009


Previous to this current blog title I had


As I had asked James for a word that began with "P"

He said "window" and I thought it's be fine to add the P.

This reminded me of the story about portmanteau/cliffmas/wombination that I talk quite confusedly about in my latest video.

Today I spent from 9am til 3pm constantly in the art rooms.

James is defrosting some mince for our tea RIGHT NOW and we're going to go and see his friend AJ in a break dancing competition then sit and watch Russell Howard's Good News and QI ep 2. Maybe after that we'll play Oblivion for hours. It's quite likely.

Yesterday we saw "Adventureland" it was actually pretty good even though it makes me like Kristen Stewart even less. She's just a bit pathetic, not as an actress, just the characters she plays have this affectation of *insert imitation of behaviour here* mussing hair and half finishing sentences with sighs of frustration.


I'm off to enjoy le soir.



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