Sunday, 3 January 2010


I'm SO going to run out of words that begin with Q, soon none will emerge from my brain as I sit here on my comfy memory foam field and attempt to type. I shall probably resort to a forage through Urban Dictionary once again.

Last night was strange, without James this 2 person bed was like a vast ocean of empty space. I ended up curling up right on the very edge, I don't know, to preserve space or something.

This morning passed in a flurry of bath, jigsaw and Zelda while I listened to Jon Richardson. We had more snow last night so our previous plan to drive to Leeds to see Grandad for a Birthday meal (he's 90 tomorrow!) was cancelled.

That turn of events led to us just finishing a Sunday lunch of lamb, mash, carrots and cabbage. So 'twas that I am sat here full as a full thing about to forage onto the LUVLE site to find some Psychology in Education work that is ENTIRELY NECESSARY.

Oh right, I got that printed then went downstairs only to go to the loo and THEN got roped into going to Spar to get a piece of important documentation photocopied! The closest one had issues, it just jammed and span and gurgled. So I took it upon myself to set off on the epic (5 minute) walk over to the other Spar. 10p later and I trekked the journey home to then be distracted by Potter Cast...

Then comes the time, right now, approaching 9pm, when I decide that enough is enough, this is getting posted.



Fat. Bitch. said...

Lol. =)

Ashley said...

jigsaw <3


QUARREL!!!Quirell! QUIDDLER! (awesome game)
