Monday, 4 January 2010


(If you were wondering it means "full of complaints")

Ok, so I'm not that full of complaints but there are a few and on those I shall focus.

My bedroom window leaks a bit so every day there is a pool of icy water on my windowsill. This is not too much of a problem though as it can easily be absorbed (and is) by a strategically placed piece of kitchen roll.

I feel terrible that in 4 weeks (since our sculpture project ended) I still haven't edit together the video that I promised to myself and my subscribers.

I can't afford the time and money that are necessary to celebrate Jen's birthday out as a meal on the 23rd... it would cost £32.25 return train journey and 8 hours of my time that I don't have. Also it's AJ's birthday that Wednesday so it's likely that weekend there will be some celebration for him?

I have completed one section of my PinE work and only have an essay, some lab stuff and Art History reading to do now... Oh and loads of ideas for art next term.
I'm thinking a project on robots and a huge painting of me looking at myself trying to decide on future careers and tinting in red the ones I've ruled out...

I wrote thank-you cards this evening!

I can't get access to half of the articles I sort of want to read, although I have so far located one that promises to be good I still have to find another 9.

Tis all for today my lovelies.


boobjob12 said...

Hehehe, a strategically placed piece of kitchen roll. You're cute, Liz. <333

Ashley said...

robot project = awesome
