Sunday, 10 January 2010


Well, well well.
I'm rather sorry that I haven't had time to update this, and to be honest I still don't. Erm, I'll come back and write this around 5 o'clock because I have to go stretch paper.

RIGHT, so I've just got in from my Psychology seminar but I'll get back to that because I now have to tell you all about what happened since Saturday.

Fairly early on Saturday I packed up my "essentials" into a BIG bag, a rucksack a big handbag and a laptop bag and set off with Mum and Dad to get the bus to the train station. From Durham to Newcastle I stood like a lemon in the corridor with clearly too much stuff, although the extra detachable wheels Dad provided for my big bag were a godsend.
At Newcastle I got on my connection to Carlisle and two girls near me started talking about it being their return trip to Uni, one of those to Lancaster (a lovely 3rd year Biology student called Amy) and another to Preston (a first year Media student called Nat who was doing an elective called "Turning goldfish into elephants.")
Talking to them all the way through to Carlisle and then Lancaster made the time pass much more swiftly.
I got to Lancaster to be greeted by James and then to have a meal out with his parents. (Lucky me :D) I had a burger and then a fruit salad and then we walked across the icy streets of Lancaster so I could get some bread and bacon and fruit juice from Sainsbury's.
Back at Lancs we headed to unpack and have a natter with both mine and James's flat mates.


We spent the entire day inside in the warm only emerging from James' room for food.
It was well good.


Getting up for my lecture was not so fun, though the shower being warm for once was a blessing.
Our 9 o'clock Art History lecture was SO cold, it was just daft. THEN I went to sort out with the office getting a letter I need to apply for book funds. I'll get that tomorrow.
I popped in to pick up post and found my marvellous new laptop power cable and then set off to make a bacon sandwich and record my sexy mac video before 1 so I could go over to art and sort out my things.
My video has had an edit fail where there is a rank bit of me that I thought I'd cut... but alas that's what happens on busy busy days!
So between 1 and 3 (which is when we had our first official painting session) I sorted out my space, got equipment packed away and found and had a fairly long talk with both Erry(spelling unknown) and Sammy.
They're both so very interesting and easy to talk to it's fantastic.
It turns out, although she looks to be our age, Erry is in fact 35. She firstly did a course in millinery and worked designing and making hats for 5 years and since then has worked various office and other jobs until last year she decided to do a foundation course and now our Art degree.
On the other hand Sam is one of the girls who shares my exact Birthday and we were discussing the many aspects of her life as she was deaf from birth to 11 but had enough operations that she can now hear very well. She wasn't diagnosed 'til she was 5 and we just talked in fascination about all sorts of things.

THEN I learned how to stretch paper. Did that for a good long while, talked through continuing my project of sleeping people with Emma and headed for food before our first film of the year.

Dr Parnassus, Heath Ledger's last ever film was enticing and bizarre and ever so fascinating.
They hadn't yet printed term passes and that prompted James to say that next year WE should clearly be in the film group who run the cinema because we clearly wouldn't forget to do a thing like that!

Tuesday (TODAY! Huzzah!)

So, with time this morning before my 11 o'clock lecture I went to print some work and to buy some paper and a drawing board (etc.) from Bill and also, because they're only £15 this week, a Lancaster Uni hoody. I looked at it later though and the seam at the bottom was all raggy because it's the "eco" material one. Well they should have made it look nicer because I ended up swapping my red one for a blueish/turquoise one that's so so bright.

We ended up with a double lecture today because of the questionnaire we had to do that took so long but the American woman taking the lecture had brought her massive dog along with her. Crazy times.

I had a rushed lunch and headed over to art to get some done before my seminar where we talked about behaviour modification and rewards/punishments.

Right now I've just typed this epic piece of literature and plan to watch Being Human in my small small gap before food ans SSAGO.

Tomorrow I really must get some artist research done and go to the post office about money for New York.

Tally ho!

1 comment:

Haze said...

Lovely to read a proper blog for once :)
Those people don't half have some stories to tell!
My favourite word had to be millinery :D