Monday, 1 February 2010



It's February.

This bamboozles me.

It's a fine Monday evening at 6:22 and I'm watching Hazel's rebel friend Didi pretend to jump rope. SKIP.

I've just ordered Alex's new EP bundle, which has a T-SHIRT and BADGES.
This is a good thing.

James went to view a house today for him and his friends to live in next year. It was mouldy. FAIL.

I quite like this video though I'm going to make a more refined version for my own channel some point this.

I need to charge my phone, and we might go to see the film at Uni tonight, we might now.

As of yet we haven't decided because it's a Korean subtitled vampire film called "Thirst". It has great reviews but is 133mins long, gory and I dislike subtitled films usually.

What else...

OH I stretched a canvas today! Well made the wood bit, will staple canvas to it tomozlo.

BYE need food BYE!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

i cant believe it either :/

i love that vid btdubbs. <3