Friday, 5 March 2010


Look at how I've managed to write here so many times in the last few days.
Want to know why?
It's because I've been reminded, by James.

This isn't just because he likes to read them, it's because he himself is now writing his very own blog.
I think it's nifty, and if you like a mathmatical point of view of the world you might like to check it out.

(Go on Mum, you know you want to read it!)

Today was one of those daft Fridays, like every term time Friday, a 9 o'clock life drawing session.
Thankfully this week our model didn't bleed in front of us, it was actually quite a pleasant drawing experience although my arm got really tired as usual.

By 11, when the session ends, I am always left feeling drained and totally ready to just go straight back to bed. Though I didn't, I lasted 'til quarter past twelve because I was editing the photos of the water droplets because everyone was so intrigued by them in my video. I thought I'd print out and mount them on my wall for the examination which is some point next week.

Afterwards I went to Spar, bought some chocolate mousses that were on offer and proceeded upstairs to eat lunch and watch last nights Skins. The Uke was sweet but the lip-syncing was terrible.

This afternoon James and I made the banabar cake we've been intending to make for a good long while.

Now we're listening to acoustic guitar songs from James' iTunes playlist.
I have to say that Bad Religion (in my opinion) are terrible unless they're acoustic.

So yes, that was today and it was lovely.

Now it's the evening and we're not going to see Paranormal Activity; we might watch Cars...


1 comment:

Haze said...

Link to James' blog? :D
Please bring Boy Meets Boy when you come back :D