Wednesday, 3 March 2010

SSAGO elections

Last night I went along to SSAGO, happy as larry, at 7pm thinking, this will be a nice night voting for other people to take the roles in the soc.

It ended up that I ran for the Web master and publicity officer and got voted in (as I was the only one who ran this wasn't surprising) so now I'm in charge of mending the broken website soon and running the Freshers and ReFreshers advertising.

We all got certificates too and mine and Rachael's were "most enthusiastic fresher".

Afterwards James and I had tea, we had stir-fry with rice and peppers and it was scrumptious. Then I started to feel all strange and uber tired even though it was only about 10 o'clock so I decided to read one of the only books in James' room which is Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. It sent me to sleep a bit.

Today I was happy to find that 117% has arrived and so I'm wearing my t-shirt.

In my head though I'm still singing Joseph Birdsong's "How does it feel to know this song is about you".

I'm off to buy some paper from Bill and then head over to James' for a lovely Wednesday afternoon.


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