Monday, 31 May 2010


Do any of you remember Ubos? That silly tv cartoon about magic that was someone's attempt to jump on the "love of magic Harry Potter" bandwagon. Urgh, I was just trying to think of a last "U" word because it is June tomorrow.

I'm sorry I haven't enlightened you about my life recently. I did make a video last week that included the things I would have blogged about and other than that I've done revision and eaten food.

Today I was trying to clear out some stuff from my hard drive instead. I have 5 gigs free, it is not a good state to function.

I don’t want to delete all the old Russell Howard and Jon Richardson podcasts I have.

Is there a function on Windows XP where I can see exactly what is taking up the space so I can see what I need to cut down on?!

Going to keep browsing around and deleting things here and there until I have at LEAST 10 gigs free.

Don't have time for that it seems. I need to make all the Switzerland video I still have into ONE video. Will have to add that to my "after exams" list of things.

I have a rather large "list of things" but as of yet I haven't written them down. They're all in my head and so next Monday, after my PinE exam, I shall have to consider what to do first.



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