Monday, 3 May 2010


They had bags of revels with the coffee ones in in homebargains. I didn't realise 'til I got it back, I only got it because it was £1. Now I wish I'd got more.

Yesterday, James and I walked into town, had lunch with his parents at Wetherspoons, got very very wet in the heavy rain and bought food for the next week or two. When we got back to campus we dried off and I had a nap and then we went to see Sherlock Holmes. The one with Jude Law. It was magnificent. I adored the way it was filmed and the characters, I seem to have not seen a bad film that Regina George is in either.

We watched Dr. Who and the confidential on return to James' room and that was spectacular too. I smashing ending to that storyline. VAMPIRES (or so we think) next time!

It is now Monday morning. Yesterday was pretty lovely although I ended up feeling very tired.

Flight of the Conchords, the one with the cup especially, was hilarious!

Don't know what we're doing today, working I suppose even though it's a bank holiday.


1 comment:

Haze said...

The idea that we're both working on a Bank Holiday is sickening.
At least Tech will be OUT OF THE WAY come this time tomorrow <3