Thursday, 3 September 2009

Make me understand that I am free

You know what? My day was GREAT until blog time. Spiffing in fact.

Hazel and I got a load of t-shirt transfers sorted today while listening to Greg Holden and Hank Green.

We watched Benchwarmers over lunch which is such a funny film. (Earlier in the day I was very ready to review this in such a way you would laugh and then want to rush to see it) I'm not in a good enough mood right now to say anything other than Nerds 4 life, it was awesome.

Taking Leave review? Yeah, I should have written one of these today too but haven't?
Know why? Well, it's because I'm a lazy sod and was just listening for fun rather than critically. Although it's great actually.

I used to go on iminlikewithyou back when it was named such but playing against strangers was dull. Today I played with youtubers for the first time including Haze who was sat in the next room. It made it fun but there went another hour of my life.

Right, here comes the annoyance and really I shouldn't get worked up. It's an object and not emotions, it's nothing that isn't expected once your mp3 player gets old and a bit bashed but seriously it bamboozles me and I do not want to have to sort out a new one entirely right before I have to leave home. But I will because it's just a backwards piece of poop.

You all my laugh at me, you out there reading this with your iPods.
Well I have a creative Zen vision M and up until last month it was superb, fantastic, immense etc.
Right now I hate it's guts. THREE years it has done me proud and NOW it won't be recognised by my computer. Or Mum's which has the same programs on.
It's docked and charges and it plays but it won't recognise so no new music can go on.
I've tried using Haze's cable, I've tried a disk clean up and I'm tempted to try reinstallying all my USB drivers.
The stupid disk clean up also managed to delete ALL the Wizard Rock and all my Trock is missing. Not a single playlist is left standing.
It's all so much worse.
It's a good bloody job I have all my music stored on my computer too and most of it on my external HD.
The most ridiculous thing about this whole situation?
The Greg Holden CD I added yesterday just before the epic crash that I think caused half of these problems is still there and still plays.
I love that album but why did it rid of all that other music and why isn't it recognising my chuffing player.

It's not as if it just went back to a safe point it's been selective and got rid of my favourites. OK you're kidding me, right now I've just searched and it's deleted the DFTBA records album. And So Jokes. What the bloody hell is this. An attack on my favourites?
I can't put them back because my computer refuses to believe my zen exists.
Just before we went to Switzerland, right, the songs I added (mainly Wrock and Owl City WHICH IT HAS ALSO GOT RID OF) started playing other songs within them.
It's just done that again during GREG...

Right, I feel like crying.

I shouldn't get worked up. I can get a new, probably better, one and re add all my music it's just until then I have to listen through my laptop or just do without all of the best music if I leave the house.

I could scream.

So I'm going to go drown in sorting out my beading equipment and watch my cousins new video which is bound to cheer me up.


boobjob12 said...

I offer my deepest apologizes about your beloved Zen. It sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but really, I'm not at all. It's not just some kind of "material fixation" we have to our music players, whether they are iPods or mp3 players or CD players, or whatever. They become a part of us, a part of our soul. Especially if they are around for a long time.
IT DELETED OWL CITY? That just makes me want to cry as well!
Ugh I'm just so sorry for your music troubles. Music is such a big part of my life, so when I hear about people who has music equally as apart of their lives suffering, it hurts my heart. D:

PS. This is totally irrelevant, but I'm really loving Torchwood. I just watched, "They Just Keep Killing Susie", and MAN, what an episode. I think I'm a little bit in love with Ianto.

PPS. Hehe, word verification: forize

Ashley said...

Ugh. That sounds awful. Music issues with computers are always frustrating... :(

Three years, nice. At least it lasted that long but as well, rest in peace dear Zen.

That sucks about clearing out all your favs. HOW CAN IT DO THAT?! And you only have around a month to sort it out. Hope you do :)

Word ver: nancytates

Anonymous said...

That really sucks butt about the Zen. D: I had a little iPod from 2005 that was beautiful and nice in every way until MY computer stopped recognizing it, and I was without portable music for a few years. It was awful. This is the kind of event that makes me think computers will soon take over.