Monday, 7 September 2009

Making friends online

Without the internet I wouldn't know most of the music that make up the majority of my current favourites.

I wouldn't know Ashley or any of "thesexymacaroni".

I wouldn't have has the chance to become friends with and draw album art for Alex.

Also I think it's going to make this "moving to Uni" thing a bit easier. I've befriended this rather nice chap called James and a couple of others over on the Facefail.

Oh I had to indulge in a description of Nerdfighters today.
It went well and I felt accepted.

Ash and I last night wrote this during our msn conversation.

Short and sweet once again as all I really did today was listen to Adam and Joe potcasts, eat and sort out my beads. I sound really daft but yep, I think it needs doing.

I like the last thing I do on my laptop to be checking my emails then turning off my music and it just slowly shutting down.



Ashley said...

Expression of love for the net is always a great thing.

That conversation was brilliant! haha. Facefail FTW!

James is that math guy right? Meh. He's adorable.

'Night you!

boobjob12 said...

THAT WAS SO FUN TO READ. Hahaha, you guys are made of awesome.
I am very very glad to know you! xD
A DESCRIPTION OF NERDFIGHTERS. I usually say, "a community of people who are proud to be nerds, with one thing in common, watching these two brothers do amazing things." Or something like that. :P
*waves right back*!