Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Music of the awesome variety

I'm finding it hard to start typing today.
I write blogs in one of two ways.
If I'm at home all day I open up my computer pretty early on in the day and add my thoughts to a document as time goes by and sometimes delete most of it and rewrite certain things before I post it.
Or there are the times I almost completely forget or have been out and then I rush off as much as I can remember.
I rarely just talk about one topic either because this is a recording of nearly everything I do.

On with the show then.

Being naturally fair skinned is something I've lived with and for years I have been told I look ill from people who don't really know me.
I used to say "I just burn in the sun" or "I just don't tan" along side the knowledge that I like being pale no matter what. It's just me.
After this weekend though I've actually tanned, throwing all my excuses out of the window. I look something close to healthy despite the fact I'm probably still one of the palest people you know. Also I know within a week it'll have faded
I clearly should just stay out more instead of being the recluse I clearly am.
One of the reasons for this lack of tan (gosh I really hate fake tan) is that I've always just never bothered to try.
Our family are not one who go on holidays to places to just sit in the sun - which I'm really happy about as that type of heat drives me up the wall.
We go to visit castles and galleries and big houses with posh gardens owned by the National Trust. Culture and experience is the way forward.
I lost the track of my thoughts then, I've tanned a bit, big whoop.

So today we left really early (for a holiday day anyway) to go to sort out Hazel's banking or something where I just sat listening to a very strange album of 70s music that came on as an 'album of the day' on my Zen. Those free albums from newspapers are genius really.
We went to town after so that I could have money spent on me. I know this might sound rather arsey but I am going to Uni in a few weeks and there a times when I love the fact Mum will agree to buy me a wok. How grown up am I? I own a wok, and a pan and a potato peeler.
I also got a towel that scanned through wrong so we only had to pay 29p for a full size bright green towel. Home Bargains ftw.

Another thing, I'm pretty lucky, my hair dries straight normally so I don't exactly need straighteners but I bagged some today for £7, for curling. That may sound insane but trust me, they work better for that than the faff of curlers ever have.

I'm listening to Trock On! right now and it is, without a doubt, fantastic.
As soon as I get to the end I'll swap to Hank's live album. etc.
It's taken over 2 weeks from Alan's confirmation of shipping to the CD's actually arriving but I'm well excited to get listening now, oh and I'll have to review Taking Leave tomorrow so I can get those other songs...

This next bit might make me sound a bit bitter, and I am a smidge, but I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just warning and ranting.

I ended up paying more for these albums than I would have if I'd bought each one separately. Each time DFTBA ship it costs an extra $4 packaging so the offer stood that of I ordered all 4 at once it would save me the $12 that another 3 lots of packaging would cost. BUT HM revenue & customs insists that items worth more than £18 as a good or £36 as a gift would mean further costs. We had to pay £11.49 to get our package so actually overall it cost us more by around £4 than separate would have. I know it saved money at the other end but it's something I'll have to remember.

AND my computer was going ape on me and iTunes wouldn't rip so I'll have to do that tomorrow as well.

Oh Tom Milsom's trock song, j'adore.

Righteo, I've got some t-shirt transfers to cut out for Hazel's guides so I'll get to that.



Ashley said...

I hate paying for random needless costs like that. I guess planning actually works XD

boobjob12 said...

I write my blog in similar ways, although it's more of quips of amusing things rather than what I did.

I am the same way, with the skin. I got a little bit tan at our State Fair, but other than that, pale all year round, sista! I don't want to say sista ever again.
I sometimes straighten my hair, depending on the day.

TROCK ON. Oh, I want that so badly. Next time I get money, I think I shall buy it.
That really sucks about the shipping. It's just ... hard to believe in a brand or store when they do stuff like this.

(I dunno why I always say bye in comments, but it's fun!)