Thursday, 3 December 2009

Perfectly Original

Yesterday afternoon, after I'd done some art, I went over to James' where he's cooked some mince and it was good and we sat and played Oblivion for 2 and a half hours and then we watched Black Books and for once the building was quiet all night and I had a very odd dream about Nana owning a B&B.

This morning I'm about to go to a PinE lab session and sit on the computers there while a guy fails to help me understand the statistics program SPSS and I just use Excel instead.

Last time (two weeks ago) I ended up googling to find out if there were any Muse tickets anywhere but they were all for Manchester or London and were ALL over £100.
DAFT that.

This afternoon James and I are going to take a good old fashioned Christmas shopping trip into town!

I just downloaded all the songs that Eddplant has up online for freezies. I really hope I get his EP for Christmas, or that Hazel does because I'm SURE she's put that on the list of ones she wants...



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Oh right so I'm going to post this now before I go shopping.

Tales on that maybe tomorrow!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Muse tickets are ridiculous! I tried getting some and they were like $300 for mediocre seating.

Are you decorating your dorm for Christmas? <3

(lol just tell me on fb or smthing. cause I don't get the followup messages for comments even when i check the box. so annoying)