Sunday, 27 December 2009


Right, so technically this broke the "every day in December" posting schedule. But I'll post one later on the 28th when the day is properly over too.

Today, my 19th Birthday was lovely.

Breakfast at 10ish with presents (those that were brought as some are still at home).
I got a collectable gold darlek.
Catching Fire.
Two other good looking books.
ZELDA Spirit Tracks on DS that is AMAZING (Thank-you James!)

M is doing a similar Birthday message trail hidden thing that I did for her too!

We went to buy a cake from M&S and got stuck in crazy traffic then went to the Cornmill (no surprise) for lunch.

Haze and I watched another episode of Misfits this afternoon and around half 4 we went over to my Auntie/Uncle/Cousin's for tea.

A well epic evening was held.

I'm tired now so I'm cutting this short.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

haha this just made me smile