Monday, 15 March 2010

Security breach

I've just ordered the "I look better in purple" tops that Charlie is selling. Pretty spiffy. I adore purple and I want to get it back in my wardrobe. That's why the two tops I bought in New York were purple.

Art History was nearly all summary today and a lot of group discussions. This made the time go faster so all in all it was a good thing!

My hyacinth plant has gone brown on the tips... It's been behind the curtain and because it has no flower I've completely neglected it... I think I have to water it for the bulbs to regrow next year so I'll just quickly do that... I can't bring it home over Easter though due to training it so it'll probably just fully die then.

I've worked on my art quite a bit today, experimenting and planning. I have to do some wall arranging tomorrow but then just leave it so it can be marked on Wednesday.

We've been sent an email that is reprimanding someone in Slaidburn for leaving and/or forcing the doors to stay open. This has been evident but I thought it was a fault in the system and not that someone was doing it maliciously. GRARGH.

Well, I should finish this off because I need to buy peppers so that James and I can do STUFFED PEPPERS for tea! Scrummy.

Reeto, bye.

P.S. We didn't watch Cars last night... tonight? Who knows!?


Haze said...


Fran says I am the dopey one hahahaha.



Ashley said...

I'm happy to now be a regular commenter again. I'm sorry for the lapse :P

Purple is pretty :)

and I totally didn't comprehend the last half of the post xD