Thursday, 18 March 2010

Someone forgot...

... to defrost chicken. It was me really, as James never remembers.

We ate out.

This morning I met up with Alice and Hannah (from my PinE lab group) and we headed off to the bike road into campus so we could observe people on bikes and whether they were Male/Female, wearing helmets or not and/ or wearing flouro-high vis stuff or not. It was over pretty fast because it was a prime time for people on bikes to be coming onto campus.

After this I had some time just chilling. James came up for lunch and we watched this "The Cloud Experiment" van set up outside while I cooked noodles for us. I found out later that this is an ice cream van. Matt was in the kitchen again, HE DOESN'T LIVE THERE.

I restarted my pokémon game today because my old one was terrible and everyone is talking about the new heart gold and soul silver ones.

I had a SSAGO exec meeting this afternoon too.

Now we're going to watch Red vs Blue on youtube.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

"so we could observe people on bikes and whether they were Male/Female"

that made me giggle :) of course I do that all the time

dude. mean girls. YOU WIN.

word ver: plingree SUCH A FUN WORD TO SAY.