Wednesday, 12 May 2010


Wednesday already!

I know dream stories are boring, but I also know that mine was entirely bizarre. It included a part with numbered controlled invites, a real dead bear nailed to the wall with a fish on it's head, forgetting my bag, James staying to play pass the parcel rather than come with me and people trying to steal my camera  but me getting there first to find them charging the battery!

Art was good this morning, I finished listening to The Prisoner of Azkaban and have now painted 16/39 of my final piece water colours. I might end up re-doing some but I'll see about that next week. I managed to knock one of them into my water cup but it didn't suffer too much thankfully!

James and I walked into town again today because we needed more sustaining foods to last us and we won't be able to go this Sat because I am going orienteering with SSAGO. They were all out of Light Soy Sauce in the Chinese shop. But they did have Pocky biscuits for 55p!

Tea time soon and it'll be home made burgers again I think!


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