Sunday, 5 July 2009


Both Ash and I first went to YouTube to look at videos of funny cats.
We have progressed from there... but still, it was a nice mutual aknowledgement.

I could tell a convoluted story about the "crazy hail stones"...
I shall not but suffice to say that during a lovely day it went from ok weather to torrential storm in under 30 seconds.

Mum made us do some colouring for a card she was making for a member of staff and Hazel claimed it was a form of "fraud" to colour in their pictures for them.

Haze's hair was awesome for her "Prom".

At some point I'll need to buy Alan and Tom's album as it looks fantastic.

Wife Swap is infuriating, Mum and I watched some while eating tea and I just felt disgusted at these parents.

I've been sorting, again, but if you saw my room you wouldn't think so.

Alas, it's coming up to 11pm and nowt else is going to occur.

Till tomorrow!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Wife Swap is...let's say it's rather mixed up.

Sure, the entire show is rather funny and amusing, but for the actual people involved, horrifying. The show is appalling yet somehow I find some of the swaps humorous. I guess it depends on the severity of the swap.

Can't wait for Hazel's hair xD

long live cat videos!
word ver: BETTAR ???