Wednesday, 1 July 2009


Today was a room based day, I was tidying and sorting and filing and piling and what- have-you but it still has a very long way to go.

I spent ages typing book titles into Excel and through the process of sorting and stacking I decided on about 30 to get rid of...and hopefully sell. So far I've catalogued 357 into the computer too.

When Mum got in tonight she wanted us to rush to go to the sale at dewhurst that started tonight but then, after I rushed around trying to look presentable, she decided we would not actually going. Infuriating but pleasing because I wasn't really in the mood.

Chiara linked me to this today. Pretty fantastic, I am actually rather excited to see it now!

We had really odd weather today, it was what Mum calls "close". Muggy, damp air but really warm then around 4 o'clock it just pelted with rain.
'Coz of the heat Dad had opened the windows to his car at school to cool it down and then the seats ended up really really wet; he won't be doing that again.

I now own Parselmouths Pretty in Pink (and Green).
Love goes out to M.



Haze said...

You can't spell! Plus, hooray for no more J's :D

boobjob12 said...

You know, your room based day is something I'd have a lot of fun doing. :P
Woo, the Parselmouths! :D
Has Hazel listened to it yet? or MoM?