Friday, 3 July 2009

Kna- tired

I know I promised a photo blog, and I know I promised to send some video to M but I seriously just want sleep right now and I haven't had a moment to plug my camera in as I've just come through the door and it's 11:14.

I had an amazingly busy day considering I don;t have any real, commitments.

Awake early, about 6 as I just couldn't go back to sleep.
Read an whole book and wrote the review up in my other blog.
Showered and did the washing up.
Hung clothes out and picked raspberries.
Got bus into town with Hazel for an 11 o'clock orthodontist appointment.
We laughed at the childish magazines I entered a competition to win a DS with horses on it...
While Haze was in the room I sorted the pot of coloured pencils all the right way up.
After we went to buy a present for Hazel's friend Alex from WHSmith because it's the only place she had money on her card thing.
We saw a whole hoard of people eating muller yoghurt on the street as the walked. Probably the most awkward walking snack.
On the way home Haze saw a 20p in the road and ran to get it then we took HP7 on CD back to the library.
Lunch I had left over dino pasta and tomatoes and a banana as we watched a bit of the Titanic Christmas special Dr Who, again.
We went shopping and I got a nice dress and then went blood doning around half 3.
A guy there referenced the heavy rain as "it lamped it down" which I found amusing.

Barely any time after that I ate tea then went out to Dave's fun fancy dress party in a red suit as a supposed "air hostess".

Bed now.

1 comment:

boobjob12 said...

Don't worry about the video, Liz! You've got a whole day tomorrow. =]
That title is absolutely adorable.
Raspberries! Yum!
That would like a wonderful day. :)