Wednesday, 8 July 2009


Sorting my room means I come across a lot of things I've forgotten about. Today I sorted a box full of ribbons, zips and string. Therapeutic but somehow there were stray bracelets and elastic and shoelaces that I now need to find a different storage area for!

Looking at the people on the One and Other plinth in Trafalgar Square this morning there was a man dressed as a toilet, then a woman sat in a deckchair with a bubble machine reading from a gardening magazine.
When she was getting off she said, "bye bye plinth".
Then a man just sat on the edge in a fluorescent jacket.
Then a very excited and loud woman had 1000 yellow paper planes messages from all over the world but it was daft because she didn;t get all of them thrown and had to take loads off again.

How about I paint each letter of the alphabet onto a piece of a4 paper then paper aeroplane them down, I'd have to do each letter within 2 mins...
This, when practised, is a terrible idea. Not only is the paper aeroplane thing going to be SO overdone by the time I get up there but also in 2 mins you cannot paint a good looking letter.

For lunch I had JUST an avocado in bread... thought it might be sickly but the magic bread helped. Lovely stuff.

A man on the plinth who just stood still and silent on the edge was said to be having an hour to himself out of his busy life so that's all he did.

It was cheeky next, from Cheek TV, Haze and I watched that for a bit, then last night's Torchwood and FotConcords and on old episode of Skins.

In the afternoon there was a woman who was ranting on about children, it was pretty good of her although one of the things that she said was
"encourage your children to be a radiator not a drain"

I've had Fortunes Fall "Debut" stuck in my head ALL DAY.

I really really want to reconsider the EP of the month thing, the Wizard Rock idea that I was keen on earlier in the year then forgot.



1 comment:

Jonathan B said...

so what does "encourage your children to be a radiator not a drain" actually mean? That they should overheat and blow their top?

anywho, you deserve a comment, so...