Wednesday 22nd July. Word for word out of the diary I wrote because it's too much effort to photograph it all.
So, I have this notebook and I thought I should use it to write in the times I would usually blog. But in here it's going to be quite different because I have to think about how I'm going to write everything first time around so I have to slow down the writing process quite dramatically. There is no spellcheck and I have to try really hard to keep my handwriting this neat. I haven't written in an ink pen in forever and I thought such a fancy diary merited bringing one back to life!
I'm still home right now, it's 8:49am on the 22nd July 2009 and it is the day I travel to London to stand atop the plinth in Trafalgar Square as one of 2400 people taking part in Antony Gormley's 'One and Other'.
I've got to sort out and pack up my things.
It's five to two now and we're on the train. It's even more difficult now to stay legible due to the jolting movements. We've just passed through Doncaster.
There is an oldish man in the 4th seat of our table wearing a rather snazzy suit.
Oh dear, I'm listening to my 'Wizard Rock' playlist and the Creevy Crisis have just come on. Oh, I don't mean to be rude, but they aren't very good singers. The music is nice enough but not enough for me to want to keep listening.
This ink is supposed to be blue but this pen was last black so it's only just becoming noticeable that it's blue.
Gred and Forge are just hilarious, one of the things I adore with Wrock is the utter FUN that it really is. Enjoying and loving things beyond a casual 'like' is the point of being a nerd. Enthusiasm to take something admirable and extend it.
I was reading SFX, the mag I decided to get for the train journey, for some reason the new doctor is 7 on the top 50 SF influency people and Tennant isn't on there at all! Crazy days.
My thought process is limited to thinking about the possibility of rain tonight. Grr!
Travel scrabble @3.30.
10:23 - We're watching Ugly Betty in our Travel Lodge room. It's room 321! I was just stood brushing my teeth and the shower was drip, drip splashing on my side!
Anyway, I guess I should talk through what's happened.
When we got to Kings Cross we sorted out the tube to 'Tower Hill', dropped off our bags, headed to 'Embankment', ate a chicken salad at Pizza Express, it was strange flavoured but still pretty good. I loved my desert though, ice cream with bits of chocolate fudge cake. Bad boy flirting on Ugly Betty.
When at Pizza Express I went to the loo and pretty much all of the locks were broken. Then Mum did one of the funniest things, when the hand dryer didn't work she stapped back and returned 'as if she were a different person'.
We were just in time to reach the 'One and Other' porta-cabin thing in Trafalgar Square at 6:20, I had to be there 1 and a half hours before so that was good.
They gave me a t-shirt, I was security checked and I put my things in the middle locker, the one with the PINK keyring!
I had to have an interview with the girl called Alex and I talked about how I found out about it and youtube and things.
They took a photo too and the camera kept making a strange squeaky noise. Oh and then I used their laptop to tweet. The guy who was up 6-7 came off and was so cool and enthusiastic. I got miked up and onto the cherry picker. I felt all wavery but as soon as I sat down on the plinth and pumped up the first balloon I was off making geometric shapes.
Well, triangle things, pyramids if you like.
I worked through the rainbow , even getting a cheer when it was blue after the green. During the hour I made a bird, dog, giraffe and flower for the audience and a flower for the woman after.
Caitlin's brother Simon turned up to watch which was really nice! My cousin Matt sent so many texts throughout! I was pps 396 btw.
Writing has gone downhill.
There was this heckler who was friendly enough, but a bit strange, called me "baby" and his "future wife".
The journey back down I was buzzing and we sat and talked to the people in the cabin for a while.
Someone, a few someone's tweets, were really sweet about me being nerdy and the "balloon monstrosity" which was obviously one of the bits I said loud enough when I was recording for hazelizabeth. I really need to go back and printscreen those tweets, and bits of my hour. I had a headache but it's all ok now. Just past 11 so I'm going to bed.
Awoke this morning with Tom Felton song ringing around my head after a dream about super powers.
12:18 and we're sat on the train but TOT round the table we booked, for some reason our coach -D- is entirely missing!
Oh, it was out for maintenance and we've been relocated to G! A table so we can have our M + S picnic.
That's where the ink runs out.
That took over half an hour to type up!
That's insanity!
When we go away for our Swiss holiday I'll clearly have to condense the writing.
I haven't even told you guys about last night at "Opera in the Park" or the rest of today.
My arms hurt right now so I'll do that later!
SO, Saturday 25th we went to Temple Newsham to Opera in the park with plenty of family and friends.
After queueing for ages with our bags of picnic food and chairs (with Matt being told off for swinging the trifle when he wasn't!) we were released, along with 50,000 other people, into the grounds to stake a claim on a spot to sit till the sun goes down.
Just through the gates were some people with boxes, and a wheelbarrow, of... CRISPS!
For free, those big bags.
Being the sort of person, or people really, we all took hold of a bag.
Thing is, it didn't stop there, Haze, Matt and Dad went off to get more and came back with another 8 or so, a bag from the same company and around 15 oranges as well because someone else was handing those out!
Oh, I'm checking through my drafts in my phone to see what the best bits of last night were, one of them says "all the better for seeing you and hearing you" a quotation straight from Grandad... a bit scarily Red Riding Hood - esque but it wasn't sinister in reality.
At one point Juliet (who works with my Uncle Steven in his camera shop) was taking a photo and members of our group started saying quite loudly;
"That's a nice camera"
"I got it from an amazing camera shop in Brighouse"
"In Brighouse? I think I'll check out that camera shop in Brighouse!"
"There's a sale there on Monday"
"A sale? In a camera shop in Brighouse?"
This finished with someone, probably Matt, saying "this sparkling water is very alcoholic".
Another draft is "Porta urinal", that one speaks for itself.
Tom at one point said "I'm the worlds worst thrower". By itself this sentence seems neither amusing nor really pitiable and yet as it was related to the constant battle of orange throwing between him and Martin it was a fairly entertaining moment.
Later in the night I hear a distinct "bleh" noise from Hazel, accompanied by the words "that was me hitting the wall of orange" after clearly eating too much.
We managed to get out of the car park pretty quick after the whole night and were back at Grandad's for 11 ish.
We got a text of Matt, they got in at 12:12 because they were parked so far back.
Today was a trip to the Cornmill for lunch. Somewhere my Grandad thinks is THE place to be and yet we managed to have Sunday lunch there in UNDER ONE HOUR.
Sitting around at Grandad's, going to visit Auntie Irene and Uncle Carl and then coming home.
Oh and I'm going to thank Marissa here. There's 9 mins of Myrtle sending time left right now and my fingers are itching.
I wish there was a way to convert iTunes stuff to mp3 without burning to CD first!
I was scrolling down to where I left off on reading/commenting your blogs and I saw my name and your CDburning quandary.
You can convert .mp4 to .mp3 by using
I have to do the burn to CD/then rip thing to get rid of iTunes encryption, so it isn't linked to my account, but you can just use a converter.
Like the one above.
Now I shall catch up on your blogs!
HAHA word verification: clowncowl
I meant *.m4a or whatever it is.
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